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Olatunji Adetunji

IndexNow api Google Bing and Yandex Search Engines


IndexNow API Google Bing and Yandex Search Engines   This is a new search engine indexing protocol introduced by Microsoft in October 2021, the concept was to have your content being indexed immediately and have it on other associate search engines which are still just Microsoft Bing and Yandex, are now co-sharing URLs. It is only recently that Google announces its interest in the IndexNow protocol...with IndexNow Google API, we are sure that numerous websites will start to implement this search protocol, but there is a hint that over abusing might result in search engines blocking... Read

Olatunji Adetunji

Best Alternatives for Website Ranking -Similar Websites


Best Alternatives (Similar Websites) for Website Ranking and Traffic Analysis. It's no longer news that the web traffic site analysis tool ranker will be retiring on May 1, 2022. After being around for over 25 years, Amazon has decided to throw in the towel on popular website traffic analysis and ranking platform Alexa. So if you are looking for an alternative or a similar website like then you are in luck as we are going to share with you some pretty nifty websites like What is If you are a website owner... Read

Olatunji Adetunji

How Google Search Console Tracks People Also Ask Data


How Google Search Console Tracks ‘People Also Ask’ Performance Data. Google clarifies how performance data for pages in the ‘people also ask’ section is measured in Search Console – such as clicks, impressions, and positions. This topic is discussed during a recent Google Search Central SEO office-hours hangout. An individual named Aakash Singh joins the Livestream to ask how Google Search Console tracks data for pages appearing in ‘people also ask’ snippets. Google Search Advocate John Mueller answers the question by explaining how Search... Read

Olatunji Adetunji

Yandex Warns Debt May Affect Ability To Continue Operating


Yandex Warns Debt May Affect Ability To Continue Operating.   Russia's largest search engine, Yandex, issued a warning on March 3, 2022, stating that there are two possible scenarios that could threaten continued operations. Yandex stated that it could operate for many months should either of those scenarios be avoided. Yandex indicated that the current data center and technology capacity will allow it to continue operating for at least one year and up to a year and a half. But that statement was conditioned on no disruption to supplies, which Yandex said could have a negative... Read

Olatunji Adetunji

Local SEO Services For Small Businesses


Small Business Local (SEO) Search Engine Optimization Services There are over a Million customers searching for local small businesses per day on search engines and approximately 84 percent of prospects require digital capabilities to facilitate brand transactions. Without an executed local business SEO presence, you are missing out on valuable leads, traffic, and sales opportunities. Recommended Read: Small Business Local Seo Services   What is local (SEO) search optimization? Local SEO is the process of improving the local search visibility of small... Read

Olatunji Adetunji

Best Times To Post on Social Media


What is the Best Time To Post On Social Media? The best time to post on Social Media depends on the time your audience is most engaged on these social media platforms. In this article I will be using Facebook as the benchmark for my analysis since it is the world's highest social media platform with roughly 2.91 billion monthly active users as of the fourth quarter of 2021, Facebook is the most used online social network worldwide. So I think it will be fair to take this data test from them and not be on a repetitive course, after our results as been derived we can now compare... Read

Olatunji Adetunji

How Does Banner Advertising Work


What is Banner Advertising? To simply put banner advertising is the display of ads in graphic or text design messages for the purpose of delivering an advertisement sales pitch to a targetted audience on the web with the intention of generating click-throughs to their respective websites. A web banner or banner ad is a form of advertising on the World Wide Web delivered by an ad server. This form of online advertising entails embedding an advertisement into a web page. It is intended to attract traffic to a website by linking to the website of the advertiser... as defined by Wikipedia. As... Read

Olatunji Adetunji

How To Use Google SEO Stop Words List


The Complete Google SEO Stop Words List. Have you ever wondered what words are key to SEO or have more prominence with search engines like Google, and how can you implement them relatively in your keyword ranking with Google SEO bid? The essence of the SEO community targetting stop words for SEO is basically to try and optimize the pixel space or length space they have with their URL and Title tag of a web page they are trying to rank on search engines, and the fact that search engines place no priority values on stop words in order to speed up search results or to save disk space.   What... Read

Olatunji Adetunji

List Of Bad Outdated SEO Practices and Tactics


List of Outdated SEO Tactics You Should Avoid. There are lots of bad SEO practices that are still in use to game search engines for faster and higher-ranking positions with zero to no effect, thus questioning yourself, is SEO outdated? Most SEO tactics that were working 10 years ago are no longer relevant while others have lost their high impact on SERP, and this is due to continuous abuse of these tactics, making them spammy in nature. I will like to address some of these outdated SEO practices which are still in use and those that are also considered as BAD SEO. But prior... Read

Olatunji Adetunji

Exact Match Keywords Ranking (SEO)


Exact Match Keywords When it comes to ranking for SEO keywords their are several methods an SEO Web Analyst can utilize and one of them is considered low-hanging fruit in the SEO community. But I beg to differ with this tactic, as we are going to observe and see how the exact match keywords technique can actually be used naturally with precise SERP targetting. On a norm, every content creator such as myself that enjoys blogging and writing articles will only love to reap the reward of such effort when their quality, well spent timed, articulated post get's the viewership it deserves from... Read