Best Times To Post on Social Media
Online Marketing Strategies

Best Times To Post on Social Media.

2022-03-04 | 1709 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF

What is the Best Time To Post On Social Media?

The best time to post on Social Media depends on the time your audience is most engaged on these social media platforms. In this article I will be using Facebook as the benchmark for my analysis since it is the world's highest social media platform with roughly 2.91 billion monthly active users as of the fourth quarter of 2021, Facebook is the most used online social network worldwide. So I think it will be fair to take this data test from them and not be on a repetitive course, after our results as been derived we can now compare them with what others have gotten.

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To get started I will like to state clearly that we have two types of users on social media, the ones that want to generate referral traffic from their content to their sales page or landing page and those that are purely after engagements also known as influencers, we will be comparing both analytics from Google and Facebook to decipher most of the questions related to;

When Is the Best Time to Post on Facebook?

When Is the Best Time to Post on Instagram?

When Is the Best Time to Post on Linkedin?

When Is the Best Time to Post on Twitter?

When Is the Best Time to Post on Tik Tok?

When Is the Best Time to Post on YouTube?

When Is the Best Time to Post on Snap Chat?

When Is the Best Time to Post on Telegram?

When Is the Best Time to Post on Whastapp?

When Is the Best Time to Post on Google My Business?

When Is the Best Time to Post on Reddit?

When Is the Best Time to Post on Pinterest?

I will be taking a data sample of traffic generated to a client website via social media (strongly Facebook) as seen in the image below;

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We can see that the highest form of referral traffic to this client's website is Social Media, and from a depth look, it is quite clear that they are from Facebook! with close to 19,000 sessions generated within a month. This is a good data sample, next we need to look at the flow of traffic with respect to days and time, only focusing on this channel on our Google Analytics records.

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We are taking our in-depth analysis from a 6month timeframe from the image above October 2021 to March 2022 and using the darkest shade of blue as our most engaged time to post on Facebook.

Best Time To Post on Facebook Using Google Analytics
Day of The Week Best Time To Post
Sunday Neutral, No Best Time To Post
Monday 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Tuesday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM and 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Friday Neutral, No Best Time To Post
Saturday 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM

From the observation above we still need to filter our findings into AM and PM and further Mid Am and Mid PM in other to know which category of the time period the days fall under, this can also be helpful for time zone difference and also have our result correlated with the next data sample, we will be reviewing using Facebook analytics this time around for engagement, please note this sample is for traffic.

Best Time To Post On Facebook For Traffic 12 Hours Format
Day of the week AM (12 to 5) MID AM (6 to 11) PM (12 to 5)  MID PM (6 to 11)
Monday     1 to 2 PM   
Tuesday     12 to 5 PM  7 to 9 PM
Wednesday   8 to 11 AM 12 to 5 PM  6 to 9 PM
Thursday   10 to 11 AM 12 to 2 PM 8 to 9 PM
Saturday       8 to 9 PM

From our time intervals of posting on Facebook, I can envisage that Wednesday is the best performing day of the week, with a longer timestamp from Mid-morning to dawn, this performance is only followed by Thursday. This only points out the fact that to generate lots of traffic and engagement to your website we need to focus on posting on Social media via this time frame and using Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday as your days for most optimizing content. 

Now, most of you might contest this result stating that weekends should be the best for generating engagement, you are half right, the fact is during this analysis what I am focused on are simply visits, that is those people that saw my content on Facebook and decided to click on the link to visit the website, so this result addresses the best time to post on social media for generating traffic. To address the best time to post for engagement as stated in our first paragraph, this is more suited to influencers or organic growth of a business page, as the data will reveal, we need to analyze this data and then compare their analytic results both from Facebook and Google.

We will be taking samples from our executed project from different clients based on How To Increase Facebook Page Likes and How To Improve Your Facebook Business Page Post, from the image below we are going to look at an overview of a client Social Media Page, that had both Facebook and Instagram connected.

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This is a result-driven insight gotten from January 25 to January 31, next we need to establish the type of content that drove such metrics over 100% when you are looking at the best time to post, I find it relevant to consider the type of content being shared during these periods as you can see from the next image below that the most engaging post was actually video content, but this has nothing to do with the content, but merely the page itself, eg you would expect a TV station to post more of Video content than usual or a skit influencer, so to say that video content is the best might be different for another page.

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Using Facebook page insight we can deduce that Video content for this page is best suited and it is one of the content elements that has spurred the business page into attaining higher metrics. But like I said the story may differ from another page, for instance, the metrics of engagement for another website below showcases images being the better half of the two.

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This is an illustration of Organic Facebook reach vs Paid Facebook Reach

Placing all this together we can now have a better insight on which days are better performing and on what time frame do they engage the most on social media.

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From the graph above we can see when the Facebook page users are online and this showcase that Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays are the up peak days while Sunday and Monday are down peak days for engagements, with Fridays having the highest engagements followed by Wednesdays, by merely looking at the graph above we can deduce that the time frame to post is from 9 am to 9 pm look at the table below for more analysis with time to post for engagement and see the correlation with our Google analytics result for traffic.

To take a step further with our results and findings, I will want us to compare our results with another authoritative website, which has done their study on the best time to post on social media based on scheduled post results.
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In conclusion, I will like to state that for each social media platform there are different time stamps you will have your audience being active, but in my sample data, it is clear that the audience interest for engagement and for URL visits are correlated, as from my Google Analytics findings I can deduce that web visitors to a website from social media are more likely to visit during WEDNESDAYS and Thursdays during the hours of 8 AM to 9 PM while the highest time for engagement is basically on FRIDAYS and Wednesdays during the hours of 9 AM to 9 PM.


PS: The initial purpose of this data was for providing an advert report so it was not targeted for post-optimization, hence there is no biased result for the days. If you will like to be more precise as to when to actually post for optimum engagement (traffic visits) then use the table for Google Analytics.

Best Engagement Time To Post on Social Media
Days Engagement (Not less than 23762 per Day) Time Frame
Wednesday 24,004 post engagement 9 AM to 9 PM
Thursday 23,927 post engagement 9 AM to 9 PM
Friday 24,029 post engagement 9 AM to 9 PM
Saturday 23,762 post engagement 9 AM to 9 PM
Sunday 23,838 post engagement 9 AM to 9 PM

From our analysis above with Facebook engagement and Facebook Link clicking for referral traffic, I can envisage WEDNESDAY as being the best day of the week, and 9 AM to 9 PM will be best suited for social media posts engagement for any content type Video, URL, Image.

Best Time To Post On Facebook For Traffic 12 Hours Format Google Analytics

Day of the week AM (12 to 5) MID AM (6 to 11) PM (12 to 5)  MID PM (6 to 11)
Monday     1 to 2 PM   
Tuesday     12 to 5 PM  7 to 9 PM
Wednesday   8 to 11 AM 12 to 5 PM  6 to 9 PM
Thursday   10 to 11 AM 12 to 2 PM 8 to 9 PM
Saturday       8 to 9 PM

This might come as a surprising shock but I will encourage social media advertisers seeking to get traffic from social media to utilize the day and time stamp as mentioned, this will yield you more results and save you cost, this method has helped me a great deal with my Social Media advertising, I was able to attain a $0.01 Facebook advertisement cost and high-quality score because our advertisement relevance score was very very good, we could have gotten the entire advert for Free, same with Google Advert placement.

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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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