Get International Diploma Certificate in Digital Marketing
Online Marketing Strategies

Get International Diploma Certificate in Digital Marketing.

2022-07-15 | 739 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF

 How To Get International Diploma Certificate in Digital Marketing in 2 Months.

seo web analyst blogger community Nigeria's premier Digital Marketing Agency in conjunction with Skills Development Council Canada and The UK CPD Group, have put in place a subsidized professional career development course programme targeting SSCE certificate leavers, HND, BSC, and employees that want to advance their CV with an international Diploma Professional Certificate in Digital Marketing.
The program is a 2-month intensive training only on weekends and covers the following curriculum.
After the completion of the course, students will have to do a timed certification exam for them to pass and earn an international Diploma CERTIFICATE in Digital Marketing.

The course syllabus has been certified and the program accredited by two international bodies, which makes the skill acquisition in digital marketing a suitable option for young netpreneurs.

The professional program course outline are as follows;

ULTIMATE: DIGITAL MARKETING PROGRAMME (29 courses + 1 bonus course [interaction session]).

Lesson 1 (Week 1) (two outline courses per day)
Advertising in the digital space
Course Outline:
*Google Ads
*Writing Great Copy
*Keyword Strategy
*Landing Page
*Cost Acqusition Analysis


Lesson 2
*Building a Campaign
*Display & Search
*Geographical Targeting
*Dynamic Keywords


Lesson 3 (Week 2) (two outline courses per day)
Advertising in the digital space
Course Outline:
*What is SEO
*Link Strategy
*Social Media Impact


Lesson 4
*Link Strategy
*Social Media & SEO
*Search Console
*Submit Site Map
*Google My Business
*SEO Audit
*Google Analytics Setup


Lesson 5 (Week 3) (two outline courses per day)
Advertising in the digital space
Course Outline
*What is Growth Hacking?
*Who Benefits?
*Growth Hacking Funnel
*Successful Case Studies


Lesson 6
*How To Generate Leads
*The First Growth Hackers
*Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
*Growth Hacking Tools


You can visit the website URL for more information
Earn  An International Diploma Professional Certificate In Digital Marketing

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authors image profile

Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).


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