How Do You Write Pitch Deck That Wins Investors
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How Do You Write Pitch Deck That Wins Investors.

2025-02-23 | 9 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF

How Do You Write Pitch Deck That Wins Investors?

Pitch decks are presentations that give a succinct view of an opportunity, whether a business, product, or service for which you intend to seek investors' aid.

It’s interactive with visual aesthetics to suck up investors into your storytelling exemplary bullet points that help define the purpose (value proposition) of your opportunity to your audience (investors).

Today, I will share some tips I used to create my first pitch deck, which was targeted at investors and venture capitalists. If you are like me and are seeking financial support through investor influence for your opportunity creation, then use my list below as a guide to your perfect startup pitch deck template.

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Guide To Writing A Startup Pitch Deck Template.

This is an illustration of the same template I used personally to write my startup pitch deck to wow investors and clients alike for my product’s opportunities.

  1. Pitch Deck Cover: Your pitch deck presentation cover needs to be the most outspoken area. This is where you place the main theme for your presentation, i.e., your pitch deck title. You specify what you want to discuss or exhibit to your audience. In our case, we placed the name of the product, included its goal, and included a screenshot of the product in the MVP (Minimal Viable Product) stage.
  2. Owner’s Vision: This cover should explain your mantra for the product, it should sound more like a philosophical approach to the opportunity your product provides and what you believe in.
  3. History Overview: This aspect of the pitch deck should be brief and contain your observations, motivations, and the eureka moment of your intention to embark on the product/service or business journey. A 500-word count should perfectly fit if a 200-word count is not sufficient.
  4. The Problem: Make a statement about the challenges surrounding the essence of your invention, it can be illustrative, and informative, but most importantly let the problem/s stand out.
  5. The Solution: Similar to the problem presentation, highlight your solution and make it brief it is not a good idea to let the cat out of the bag. A simple preamble to your solution-driven agenda can leave enough enthusiasm for investors to want more or see your invention in action or display.
  6. Market Size: For any business you want to invest in or startup, it is advisable to perform a feasibility study, and providing market size data for your product/service or business idea is a great way to showcase this opportunity for selected investors to pique their interest. Market size should describe how big the market is, and how the industry is growing in terms of total revenue generated in the given market.
  7. Market Opportunity: Similar to the market size, the market opportunity also shows case the business data for investors to make concise decisions about investing in your startup opportunity. The market opportunity data should pinpoint the potential profitability of the startup to evaluate the viability of the startup idea for investors.
  8. Market Projection: This is an aspect of your market opportunity but I like to make it a standalone to further showcase the profitability of the startup idea to investors. Most investors will like to know that their funds are not injected into hypothesis projects, and are more concerned about the long-term impact of their funds. So providing a market analysis to help secure a forecast for the business they are investing in can go a long way in making them see value in your startup idea and opportunity.
  9. Profitability: This part of the startup pitch deck is very important and its content should be tied to the previous presentation above concerning the market size. You can further provide a demonstrative analysis of your product via its pricing model and use a projected demand and supply analysis to further solidify your startup profitability.
  10. Competitive Advantage: I simply place here what sets us apart from the rest, what we offer that others don’t. And point out why users will find us useful in respect to other competitors in the market. In this section, you are selling your unique selling points, and you need to make them stand out in such a way that your competitors' benefits look like a problem.
  11. Product Overview: This section should describe all your product features in brief their goals and advantages and how they tie with your competitive advantage.
  12. Product Pricing: Your pricing is a very useful tool and should be well structured to compete with other viable products alike, since pricing is part of the traditional four marketing Ps (Product, Pricing, Place, and Promotion) you should not underestimate the value of a good product pricing can provide for your startup development and pitch deck success.
  13. SWOT Analysis: This is a given for any startup proposal, there is no business proposal that does not require SWOT analysis, identifying your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for your startup business is a conscious signal to your investors that you are aware of the business challenges and understand the opportunities as well.
  14. Investment Portfolio: This section describes how you intend to share the funds being provided by investors for the start-up business. Mostly these are split into the development, marketing, and onboarding stages/launching process of the product with the allocation of estimated funds in percentile.
  15. Road Map: Also referred to as timeline, should describe the duration you are going to use in developing the project or business. You can simplify this via stages or processes and in most cases you can do this in a quarterly fashion depending on how big the project is.
  16. Traction: This section may not be necessary but I will encourage you to include this in your pitch deck template, as traction refers to the measure of progress your startup will make in terms of customer acquisition and interest. In other words, you focus on your prospective customers and the market demand for your product solutions with respect to the revenue generation capabilities.
  17. Our Team: You can round up your presentation with a description of your team and place a closing Thank you remark as well to close your start-up pitch deck presentation.

You can decide to add some professional touches to your startup pitch deck template by adding transition effects and sound effects as well as transition effects, with each presentation slide guide with a time duration. These will give your presentation a more video-like pitch deck presentation and can also add to the attraction of your presentation to your targeted investors.

Conclusion: If you follow the 17 guidelines I have provided above on how to write a Startup Pitch Deck Template you will find your startup pitch deck will have precise content and information that are appealing to your investors and clients alike.

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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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