The Main Objectives Of SEO in Digital Marketing
Online Marketing Strategies

The Main Objectives Of SEO in Digital Marketing.

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What Are The Main Objectives Of SEO in Digital Marketing?

You might wonder what the goals of SEO are or why you should execute SEO for your business. Integrating search engine optimization into a digital marketing strategy is a main requirement. SEO is not a compulsory peripheral aspect of digital marketing for businesses. Still, if you are serious about business, you will understand that the main objective of any investment is to see returns. In the SEO case, this return can be long-term, depending on how you perform search engine optimization.

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Numerous posts talk about this topic, but from my experience, I would like to share what most clients (Businesses) want (purpose) from their SEO service in digital marketing.

a. Pertinent Keyword Ranking (Search Engine Ranking Positions: SERPs)
b. Web Page Optimization (SEO AUDIT)
c. Increase Google Search Referral Visits (Organic Search Engine Traffic)
d. Reputable Backlink Repertoire (Domain Authority)

These outlined goals are the most common objectives for most clients that seek search engine optimization for their businesses with a secondary main goal of generating sales.

Search Engine Optimization is the best approach to earning visibility online. It targets a new horizon of targeted audiences seeking your products or services. It is a better solution for a long-term return on investment in search marketing and probably the most sought-after method for organic targeted traffic.

It is the main responsibility of an SEO Web Analyst to deliver on their client's business-targeted keywords with an 80% to 90% turnaround ranking on Google’s first page within 6 months of contract duration. Under this, the SEO Web Analyst needs to provide SEO services outlining what they will do for the client business to rank on search engines.


• Web Page analysis: This includes an in-depth SEO Audit and web page performance concerning optimization.
• Off-Page Optimization: We work on the server side and outbound link building; we will require hosting support if necessary.
• Technical SEO: Check the setting up of all Google properties linked to the website and utilize the search console for back-end SEO validation.

• On-page Optimization: This includes Keyword research and content writing, semantic SEO elements optimization, and webpage structuring.


Analysis and Strategy
An effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategy builds a website's online presence in a sustainable way. SEO Web Analyst's first step will be to audit your current website (desired page). We will evaluate the current state of SEO on your website (desired page) to determine areas for improvement. During our audit, we will look at the following areas:

Analytics and Keywords
Before pursuing new rankings, we need to understand how your site is currently performing. We will compile a list of keywords for which your site can rank in the search results and compare these against data like search volume etc.

Your Website's Accessibility and Indexing
For your website to be visible in search results, it needs to be accessible and ready for indexing. We will review content, link structures HTML features (like image alt tags), etc.

Ranking Factors
After ensuring that your website's structure is optimized for indexing, we will shift our attention and identify ways of improving your rankings. We will pay attention to a range of ranking factors, including keyword density, source code, HTML markup, external links, and more.

Competitive Analysis
Running a competitive analysis allows us to compare your website's performance to that of your competitors. This will provide us with a clearer idea of where ranking opportunities might lie and what can reasonably be expected in terms of concrete deliverables.


YouTube preview of SEO Work Performance “Long Lasting Results”.

The infographic below depicts why SEO is vital for businesses seeking to target organic traffic audiences for their business online, courtesy of zillion design.

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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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