Steps To Increase Your Website Page Speed
Online Marketing Strategies

Steps To Increase Your Website Page Speed .

2015-01-08 | 4630 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF


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I will like to bring to your notice that whenever your browser loads a website it calls up your files via your files url (that is your domain name) now every time your browser makes each trip, it carries 3 request from your server and loads them on your browser.

Depending on how you arrange your coding the files are loaded parallel and the request are done to load with respect to three things, the speed of the internet the user is using, your server speed, and the actual size of the items the browser is carrying.

This brings me to one of the omitted steps in improving page speed, Reducing HTTP requests.

  • You can achieve this by reducing image requests (they are always coming up in page speed topic) How to do this is by combining the images using CSS to load images onto your webpage.

Mostly big-size images are ideal for this method, eg background images for a webpage or images you use for your sliders.

  • You can reduce HTTP requests by combining js and CSS files that are relevant into one, eg merging your foundation.css, your font.css, style.css into main.css, and likewise js scripts into one js file this will allow the browser to make a single request for all these 4 mentioned CSS files instead of doing it one by one, same goes for js file.
  • Try to reduce external HTTP requests to other 3rd party sites as they tend to reduce page speed as well, eg if the site you are loading from is down it affects your website speed, if the site server speed is slow it affects your page speed, and moreover browser loads faster contents or files that are hosted on the same server.
  • You need to employ lazy load for images on your site, what this does is that when your site loads and your images loads as well, the page will load the images that your web visitors will see first, hence saving more bytes for the other images to be loaded when users scroll down the page as other images load simultaneously.

Well I can recommend this example, simply visit the URL below, copy the code and save it as lazyload.js then you upload it to your js folder

Then copy the js code below into your footer before your  end body tag


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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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