2015-01-27 | 5119 Print
How do I start writing a successful blog post that will rank on Google? a newbie blogger asked me this question and to me this has been the number one question that most new bloggers ask. They love to write a post today and see it instantly accessible on search engines the next day.
The first approach to this question will be to ask you these following questions;
I will like to kick off from the last question here, why are you blogging? Most people blog for different reasons, but the one thing they all share in common is traffic.
If you are blogging, it takes time to get to that pedal stone of serious accomplishment, because when you have immense traffic to your blog, it only speaks very loud and clear message to others. Which is you are a mogul in your category, that people trust and rely on you for information from such category or niche.
When you start out or embark on the great decision of becoming a blogger you need to be very clear with your principle as being a blogger entails a lot of self-discipline.
A lot of new bloggers posting content on their blogs only pulls duplicate contents that are not freshly constructed. They will not even give it a spin or rewrite the articles nor will they give references track back to original source of the story. This are not a good start for a blogger as it can catch up with you when you least expect on issue of copyrights etc.
When blogging you need to remove the sight of making money or getting banners on your blog, placing pay per clicks or ad senses, affiliate links on your blog post, all this should never be your first priority or main reason of building a blog.
Blogs are created to specifically tackle a problem by providing an educative insight as to how to solve or provide reviews/opinions on contradicting or interesting issues.
The first thing a blogger should be thinking of and should be the only reason for a blogger to start a blog will be on how to start writing educative or insightful piece of information on the category they chose to write on.
If you have any other reason from this then I will be the first to disappoint you that most bloggers do not start off making a lot of money overnight and the journey is far too long compare to other options that you will have with other online money making ventures.
If you are lazy you can never become a good blogger, if you are money oriented you can never become a blogger, if you do not love the art of writing, then why are you blogging?
This is another thing you should consider when starting a blog, you need to have an endless source of information you will like to pour out to the world. Not just jargon post, but tantalizing post that gets your readers attention, you need to pick a niche and then focus on a topic you can break up into pieces.
The better your readers can understand your topics the better your blog will get more referencing, to start a successful blog you need to tackle this area so you can make your mark.
It is advisable to always do research on your main topic keyword phrases to see how they are trending online, you can utilize search engine trending tool like Google Trend, you can also use Social Trend tool like Topsy.
The idea is to help you target an estimated audience and for you to have a rough estimate of how engaging your blog post might be when it gets published.
Your style of writing a blog post also matters, but basically writing from the third person perception as always been my own approach in writing blog post and it makes it easy to always explain scenarios as well. while writing in third person view for story mode you can also switch to 1st person view during a self reflective blog post writing eg How I successfully reduced my website page speed. To understand writing style more clearly you can read on it via the post on 1st vs 3rd person by Massey University.
This might sound cocky but the truth is you really need to track what your competitors are doing, right from what blog topics they are posting, down to their ranking and social shares each of their post gets. This helps you to decide on how you will construct and repackage your post just incase you are writing similar blog topic.
Your competitors are also a good place for you to link your own blog post via their comment section, if your information is better than theirs you will get more traffic from their post to yours (that is if they allow links), in a case like this is best to get links from older post of your competitors on same topic.
Before writing and publishing a post, you need to do a search engine research to see the quantity of results they show up within how many seconds. This will help you define the keyword effective index of the topic you are trying to write.
Eg. If your topic is about how to write a successful blog post, do a simple search query on that and note the quantity of search results .”68.800.000” this is the quantity of site Google can get for the request.
In addition, that tells you the amount of supply for the topic you are writing, if you look at the search results closely you will notice that Google did not provide exact match but only consider the primary phrase to show result. Virtually all the post has the phrase “WRITE” or “WRITING” in their title another word that stood out was “Blog” followed by “post” and “successful”. This tells you that your competitors are spreading their title and body content on these phrases and they should be what you need to work on in your blog content in terms of how many times they repeat themselves in your body content (please do not use this as an excuse to practice keyword stuffing).
Now I would have love to go into details of analyzing keyword effectiveness in your post and title, but it is best to first of all try to rank your site for topics that are ranking for long tail keyword phrases, and then get similar phrases which you can use as substitutes. Eg keywords like online marketing also means internet marketing same for web marketing on Google and they have similar ranking algorithms, since they are closely related keywords that mean the same thing.
Next you need to learn how to mix or create suggested keyword from a very high competitive keyword phrase some of this tools are good for such research.
Then you can use a tool like http://ntopic.org/ to check if your blog is on topic with the keyword phrases you will be using as Tags.
This can help you to rank for new competitive keywords that can still get you some traffic and are less challenging, if you practice this on all your blog post you will be writing you can successfully generate a tangible amount of web traffic to you blog.
Social networking sites are now playing a major role in creating more exposure to blog contents, the usage as grown from just a simple platform to meet friends and post status updates to a community to get traffic, exposure and grow your network with other like minds.
The success with this is that you need to grow your social network, try to get as many social sites account you can manage and grow your friend’s request, that way when you post to the social platforms it is shared to your networks as status updates.
The use of social sites for visibility is only a step, and also it is likewise used in SEO for social signals like how many times your blog post gets liked, retweeted, shared using social platforms. The more your blog post gets successfully syndicated on social sites the more you blog post gets social signals from search engines and not to forget referral links.
If you follow the explanations described in this blog post you will be able to write a successful blog post that will get Google attentions and rank your blog title within a week. Just for the sake of this post validity you can start doing a search for this blog post topic a week from now to see if the post will not rank on search engines.
I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).
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