Email Marketing Campaign Success COMMON MISTAKES IGNORED  (CASE STUDY)
Online Marketing Strategies

Email Marketing Campaign Success COMMON MISTAKES IGNORED (CASE STUDY).

2015-06-02 | 3255 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF


Earlier this year I got a job from a client of mine that wanted to generate enquirers for their business services.  I analyze the business and service they offer and was totally convinced I can deliver quality enquirers. The business had budgeted a total rough estimate of 1000USD for this marketing campaign to generate enough enquirers that will convert that invested sum into profitable sales.

After brain storming with my client on different approaches we both decided to try out EMAIL MARKETING CAMPAIGN, since their service appeals to most contacts online.

The next headache was this; my client does not have sufficient quantity of email list nor is their safe list on their previous serviced clientele, in short, they had no sufficient customer email list for email marketing campaign.

This is where my service came in handy, to help them get enquirers based on their special offer for an exclusive Easter package.

Due to the nature of the business finances, I decided its best we make purchase of emails in contrary to my belief of building successful emails from scratch. We made purchase of emails from a local business directory, as we believe this kind of emails best suite our client services.

After making purchase, we designed our template to be informative and responsive as well.

The following notation was our observations on the successful email marketing campaign executed;


  1. During the email template design we made sure that the first sentence in the template body were short description and would fit in our recipient email headline highlight.
  2. We made sure the description was a call to action so that the recipient would be compelled enough to click on the mail headings.
  3. We made sure that we used less images and incorporated in the “alt” code of the images a description and a title in the code that describes what we want the recipient to read, as some emails do not support loading of images in email inboxes (will require recipients to make images visible).
  4. The use of bold fonts and colorful headlines were also a no brainer.
  5. The inclusion of a story line to describe the need for our solution or the problems our product solved was also introduced into the template with a link back to read more on this topic (that subsequently leads to our offer page).
  6. The adaptation of social accounts into the emails to offer subscribers to take a peek on our social profile standings to connect with us.
  7. The footer of our template was short with our addresses both office and website and our UNSUBSCRIBE button.
  8. We placed a Google UTM tags to track every email that visited the campaign.
  9. We added link trackers to check for the email open rate, the links that were being clicked on (out of all the links placed on the template for better email segmentation).
  10. Finally making the email template a responsive one, so the subscribers can easily access this template on their smart phones as well.


seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community

samples of email subject headline that are catchy and can even contain a call to action in them.

Now we did a test run on two headline titles in emails sent out with our client, one was a more professional “seasonal offer” while the other was simply base on a “solution preposition offer”. This headlines were also tested on three basic email types,

a) Bought Email List b) Built Email Safe List c) Basic Email Subscribers

We will let the images below explain our findings for the first headline approach and for the second headline approach, weigh the two and see their correlated results.


a) Bought Email List

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community



a) Bought Email List

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community


b) Built Email Safe List

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community


b) Built Email Safe List

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community



c) Subscriber Email List

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seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community



c) Subscriber Email List


seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community

Now you can take a picture view of our findings to understand that when setting up a successful email marketing campaign, you need to make your promotions solution driven, it doesn't matter if the period is a seasonal or occasional, all this factors are secondary...the primary detail is to provide a call to action solution for your emails to drive a better click through rate.

For the email marketing platform used in this case study, please kindly watch the video below to see how we set up an account on seo web analyst email marketing platform (WE NO LONGER OFFER THIS SERVICE).

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authors image profile

Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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