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 How To Start Blogging For Free With SEO Web Analyst Blogging Platform
Online Marketing Strategies

How To Start Blogging For Free With SEO Web Analyst Blogging Platform.

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How To Start Blogging For Free With SEO Web Analyst Blogging Platform.

Owning a blog is the most enthusiastic thing to do if you have a flare for writing and starting a blogging career is no joke either. Well today I will like to put you through how you can successfully start blogging for free via our blogging platform, which has been discretely built to solve most bloggers requirements. It doesnot matter if you are a professional or a beginner blogger, seo web analyst blogging platform is definitely right for you and please do not take my word for it, lets share some light on our findings.

To start blogging for free with seo web analyst blogging platform, you will need a Free account with them, [Click Here] or visit our pricing/ package page to see other web marketing features that are included in the FREE ACCOUNT USER.

Now when you log into your dashboard after registration, you click on the blog curator tab at the top left of your navaigation dash opens a new window dashboard for the blogging platform.

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community

From here you have control over your blog , by default the blog platform will auto select your username as the blog subdomain, you need to change this and in the blog title. PS NOTE:- The first time you activate your blog, the name you input in the title field is what will be used as your subdomain name for the blog, any time you update the title with another name it will not reflect in the subdomain but will only reflect in your blog title only.

You have the about form where you are expected to write what the blog post is all about, a 200 word count will best describe the blog title after which you will have to provide met tags for your blog.

We have provided image upload for the blog to represent the blog and also you can upload your own css files to help you customize your blog post.

seo web analyst blogger community

The next thing you need to setup will be your author settings from the author tab you have sections where you can save up your social accounts url and add your website url as well and upload an author image.

How To Create your First Blog Post

seo web analyst blogger community

To create your first blog post, you will have to clcik on the NEW tab found on the header, on this page you have two options either you import a blog post already published via the blog curator button or you start a fresh blog post. The blog curator will only import published post from wordpress and bloggers platform.

In the title form under the NEW post webpage, we offer a suggestion application designed to help you auto complete the sentences in the title, this is same with Google's autocomplete for search suggestion, the suggestions is same with Google's. So you can be rest assured that you are getting the right suggestion for a blog post title from Google.

We have the Editor section where you have all the functions of a microsoft word document added to it with other features, like smily, iframe, youtube, html source, print, etc. Adding images via url from upload images saved on our server makes your image more optimized for image searches.

After writing your first blog post, we offer a keyword density button that helps you to provide keyword phrases that are suitable for your blog post tags, so we have remove the guess work of finding the best tags.

You select the word phrases you want to add as tags from the keyword density board, under the tags form we have provide to added functions for popup box and poll.

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community

The functions of the popup box is to simply help bloggers to create a pop up box for their post they have created, and can easily add a pop up box or a poll (or both) to that specific blog post.

Using the pop up box to build email safe list and to provide give away incentives for your web visitors is a succesful blog marketing tactic that works to help bloggers to build a responsive email list.

seo web analyst blogger community

seo web analyst blogger community

The popup box comes with a function that helps you to build email list, you can download the emails alongside their names, while for the poll it can be used to make a quick survey on people's opinion on your post.

When you have published a blog post you can easily edit them via the Entries Tab, click on it and check on the list of published post and check the entry post you will like to edit, unpublish or delete.

seo web analyst blogger community

For every blog post you published it will get entered into your blog category (blog title) where you can easily referr people to via your subdomain name for the blog. eg easily own your own blog url and start sharing your blog post url to friends to read your blog post.

We have added some awseom feature that encourages your quality content, depending on how often your post gets viewed and how often it gets Facebook Likes from web visitors, this will allow us to automatically feature your blog post on our blog home page along side most recent post published by other bloggers and also be curated in our most liked and most viewed independent webpages as well.

You do not need to bother about social media optimization as our blog pages are already optimized for social sites and have their own rss feeds you can easily copy or link to toher rss feed aggregator sites. The blog post urls are SEO friendly and your topics can easily be searched for on search engines.

One point you need to be aware of with SEO Web Analyst blogging platform is this, in other to build loyal readers, we have provided a subscription rss feeds that easily lets your subscribers know that you have just published a post, they have two options to subscribe to your blog post, either by email accounts or social accounts. Which ever they choose they can only perform the action once and have the option to unsubscribe via their email, whenever you make a new post they automatically get it in their inbox.

How To Start Blog Monetization

You can decide to monetize your blog post has soon as you notice you are gaining traction for your post, you can easily get to know this via the number of views you get from the help of our blog view count. When you publish a new post and start seeing a lot of views on it within a couple of hour, your blog is ripe for monetization and you can now start using the advert section under the author navigation tab.

We have provided the means to use Google adsense, Ebay, amazon or Your own custom ads for blog monetization, this will give you leverage over your accumulated trrafic.

Another signal you can look at to know if your blog is matured for monetization is if your post starts getting listed on our most viewed page or gets featured on our blog home page.

This are easy signals for you to note on when your blog is mature for ads placement, best advice for results will be for you to place adverts that are related to your blog post title or category, this will help keep your adverts in line with your published post.



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authors image profile

Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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