How To Use SEO Web Analyst SEO Manager
Online Marketing Strategies

How To Use SEO Web Analyst SEO Manager.

2015-07-21 | 2829 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF

The myth of building a solid SEO Strategy is no longer a secret; in fact, it is very simple now and well documented via automation SEO Marketing.

Any successful SEO strategy requires a good deal of time with on-page optimization, keyword research and other similar endeavors. And this is impossible to do on your own manually without SEO software… unless you have too much time on your hands.

That is why we have taken into account to provide a solution that is inexpensive but still deliver the right dosage of SEO optimization as any other Search engine optimization software would that has a lot of great features. In this post, we’re going to look at how easy it is to research your niche, promote your website, track performance and optimize your web pages for higher search engine rankings in the SEO Web Analyst ®™ SEO Manager Dashboard.

After creating a new account, you enter the main interface of the dashboard where there are two options – 1) select a project 2) select a tool.

Adding Your Website(s)

You will want to add your website to the dashboard to get started. Choose ‘select a project’ and enter your site’s URL.

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Then connect Google analytics if you want SEO reports with valuable data on your social media engagement and visitor traffic.
Then add the keywords you target for ranking your website. The tool will display a list of keywords you can choose from, and there is an option to discover more related keywords for your niche based on search trends, global search volume, and competition bid. Also, you can spy on competitors to see which keywords they are ranking for.

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Then select the search engines you want to check your site’s rankings on. You can select the country you’re targeting and SEO Web Analyst ®™ Dashboard will display a list of search engines in that country. Additionally, you can specify locations for Google’s search engine.

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Then add your social profile URLs: Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and YouTube are supported.

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That’s about it! You can add more websites by adding new projects. Once you’re done adding websites, the project summary page should be like this. Data for each site builds up quickly depending on the size of the website.

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Reviewing Your Data

Now that you have gathered all the information, you can learn about the following metrics by going to the project summary and selecting your website.

Backlink Quality Check

This section has several different options to choose from such as tool summary, linking domains, linking pages, linking texts, competitor profiles, etc.

In the tool summary, you will see an overview of your total backlinks, top linking TLDs, top 5 link texts, competitors, source distribution, and more.

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In the link profile of your competitors, you can compare up to 4 different sites and see their backlinks, pages, linking domains and more.

You can see all the domains linking to your site under Linking Domains. Each option can be expanded to see the URL of each link. It also provides an insight if links are juicy or nofollow, and PR of the domain.

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Under Linking Pages, you can see all the pages linking to your site, the target URL, their PR, the anchor text they are using, and their current state.

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In the Competitor Link Profile section, you can compare up to four competitors and see their linking domains, pages, backlinks and more.

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Web analytics in SEO Web Analyst ®™ SEO Manger Dashboard gives you traffic overview, social traffic, geo, and competitors.

The tool summary provides an overview of traffic, pulling data from Google Analytics. You can see sessions by country, traffic sources, Alexa traffic with competitors, and more.

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In the Traffic Overview section, you can see your traffic from Google Analytics as well as referring sites and pages.

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Though many of us use broken link checker plugins, some broken anchors always skip the eye, but these cannot be ignored. SEO Web Analyst ®™ provides a comprehensive insight on internal, external, image and anchor links that may be broken.

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On-Page Optimization

This section contains two options – 1) On-site SEO 2) Landing page keyword placement.

On-site SEO is going to display the SEO issues on your site and you’re likely to spend a lot of time fine tuning your webpages according to the listed on-site metrics.

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Landing Page Optimization lets you see your specified landing pages and the keywords they rank for, as well as how well they are optimized.

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In the Monitoring section you can enter the keywords you want to monitor (just like Google Alerts) and this shows when they are indexed on the web.

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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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