2015-09-11 | 7482 Print
Finally you own a website, but then what? it just ain't going to sit there and do magic...Ok you practically heard of it somewhere that you need to get website traffic, and not just any web site traffic my friend.
You will need "TARGETED WEBSITE TRAFFIC"! but from where? now you be thinking..."So, How to get targeted traffic to my website?".
well luckily if you need geniue traffic for your website have written posts on Top 10 Ways To Generate Free Targeted Web Traffic To Your Website, and Top 5 Ways To Generate Low Cost Website Traffic (Cheap Web Traffic) [Links open in new tab].
Today I will like to talk about this falsified online business that push the idea that you can buy web traffic.
When you do a search on search engines with any of the phrases and more traffic or visitors related website related terms;
"get targeted website traffic"
"increase website traffic"
"cheap web traffic"
"targeted website traffic"
"targeted website visitors"
"web site visitors"
"website visitors"
You will be bound to find a lot of site springing up for all related keywords and the one thing they do get right is their sales pitch.
They will promote the savvy pitch that they provide you with real targeted visits, even some will point out that their website traffic are niche targeted, to the point some of this traffic companies will offer you a FREE TRIAL.
My advice, stop buying traffic! at least not these kinds. Have you ever stop to wonder that if this traffic companies could generate all these tons of website traffic or targeted web site visitors then why do they still do paid adverts? at least if they are the colossus of website traffic, uhmm not to forget cheap web traffic (for does that think they are actually saving money).
Have done this experiment a long time ago with revisitors.com, way back during the research that lead up to me building SEO WEB ANALYST and also recently last year with maxvisits.com, now if you are a traffic freak and obsessed with ALEXA RANKINGS (at some point we all are, until we knew their results are not 99% reliable) then you might want to know that all the traffic this so called top rated web site traffic companies sell to you are not substantial and will do you more harm than good.
First of all the stuff they say on their site that they do not do are strictly the exact things they do, but lets cut down to the chase and talk about how they state their source out this targeted traffic from any niche market.
1.) You must have seen this lines before;
"The source of our cheap traffic is a vast inventory of specific websites and domain names, all of which attract thousands website visitors each day from search engines and advertising networks".
"Using an algorithm that is unique to our company, the visitors will reach one of our targeted websites or domain names, and get redirected to your website". The issue with this pitch is this; you are buying on a cheap traffic that obviously send to you unwanted visits, each vast domains they have got that send targeted traffic are from old domains that once had huge traffic and are depleting, mostly used tactic is to buy typos of various popular sites and tailor them to Niches or categories, does it sound familiar?
this are the kind of tactics that were employed to steal traffic from keyword rich sites, some are still doing it using payday sites has a very good example here.
Now how do you feel when you visit a site via search engine that shows results for a keyword query of your choice, only for you to see it advertising something else?
You will quickly exit the site no doubt, this is exactly what happens with traffic sent to your sites via buying web visitors.
2.) You might not get all of our website traffic stats via Google analytics so we suggest you track our visitors via our unique dashboard.
The thing funny about this line is that they probably telling you that 30 to 40% of the website traffic they promise you will probably be HITS and not actual website traffic, if you read my post on How to Analyze your website traffic you will be able to understand the difference between web site traffic and hits. [Link opens in new tab]
I do not see how a website visit via the web cannot be counted by Google analytics (am sure the company spent a lot of dollars to establish this web analytic tool) the only thing Google Analytic do not measure are HITS which do not give you value on your website performance, unless you are working on web Page speed optimization such things like Hits can be relevant.
3.) You will start to see increase in your website ALEXA RANKING;
This is the most successful selling pitch, I mean the oldest trick of all times when it comes to selling website traffic to novice (if it makes you feel better we all started from being a novice).
By all means, Alexa ranking is the worlds oldest means to collate website traffic statistics in terms of Country and the world wide web in general. But let the truth be told, Alexa rankings can easily be manipulated as long as you have their tool bar installed on your browsers and it counts on others who visit your site also to have its tool bar installed as well.
There are tons of sites that do traffic exchange to influence Alexa ranking base on this theory of Alexa tool bar installed on their users browsers, so to influence your Alexa rank is one of the oldest trick in the book.
The thing is with all this stated out where you need to see results is when you actually check your statistics you will notice a very high bounce rate, both on your Google analytic and Alexa , to make it worst both will read a terrible time spent on your website (especially the page you have set up as landing page for these traffic visitors).
Now the traffic company already know these facts but will never admit to them, the worst part is that all this traffic they continue to send to you, if you are on a recurring billing.
You will not get up to 10% conversion nor signup from this traffic.
Yea right, you get a worst bounce rate ever and a terrible time spent on your site with a next to zero conversion rate on a site you have invested a lot on? please this is not a physics class nor rocket scientist
but you need to come to term that the traffic are not generic even if they were niche targeted.
Why it be better to pay money for advertising on sites like Facebook and Google etc. now this sources or platforms already have and generate website traffic to the point where they can target their traffic, the difference here
is the visitors go to them to get to you, they get to see your placement ads and decide to either click through to your site or not.
But on the contrary to this, the traffic selling sites totally make use of pop up banners, traffic bots that sends country IPs to your site, Fake Alexa Traffic Visits, Trojans download on your browsers that keep sending annoying ads banners on your screen whenever you visit other sites...when the user clicks any part of the browser it open new tab to the advertise site, this is usually closed by the user and it doesn't help you in anyway if the people that visit your site are annoyed.
If you ever fall short of this, you could simply send a support ticket to them and tell them you have seen only 60% of the web site traffic they promise you and your Alexa ranking although (fewer cases) increased but both bounce rate on Alexa and Google Analytic are ridiculously high and time spent on your web site page has now downside to a world record.
I can bet you what you will get in response is either another savvy marketing pitch to fleece you into buying more visitors to your website to see your desire results or blame it on your web site landing page or worst they give you an unacceptable excuse about this other top rate companies (Google, Alexa, Piwik, Crazyegg, KISSmetrics..etc) technologies do not work with theirs.
So except if you are only in the business of giving away money then it be wise to stay away from this traffic selling companies, it be best you spend that $100 on ads via Google or Facebook or other popular mediums that offer advert placements. Generating your website traffic can never be replace, the value of such tactics are sustaining and do prove best has you can easily measure and monitor your traffic generating tactics.
I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).
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