Online Marketing Strategies

Facebook Account Hacked What To Do.

2015-09-27 | 3188 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF

Facebook Account Hacked What To Do?

The rise in the numbers of Facebook account hacked is really getting rampart with a lot of mischievous entity getting hold of unsuspected Facebook users via hacking software. Imagine if someone had access to all your private messages, could contact your friends, abuse your Facebook page, and  go to the extent of executing a Facebook account hacked email changed on unsuspected Facebook account holders. To avoid this, you should regularly update your password and keep other security settings tight.

 Most of this Facebook account hacker are basically marketers who will settle for anything unethical and novice that do not understand anything about how to promote their products online, they easily get pitched to make purchase of some hacking software (mostly desktop) which are packaged to them as Facebook marketing tools.

If you are to trace the root of all evil you will be surprised that the Facebook account hacker are actually linked to you as either a friend of yours or a friend of a friend in your network, that has download your Facebook ID to start screening it with Facebook password finder.

The Facebook password finder utilize some algorithms from your birthday, your names, age, phone numbers and mix it with some uppercase and lower case characters to hacking passwords. Most Facebook users do fall short to weak passwords as they do not know how to set up a strong password for their accounts.

How do this hackers get your account and to have access to change your email? first thing first, there are lot of friends that are not friends both in real life and online, so why accept a friend request from someone you do not know or are not even related to you by mutual friends. If you see an account of a Facebook user with just 10 to 20 Friends and Facebook is asking you to refer some friends to them, there is a 50% chance that this individual is a spam account.

When I started my Facebook account, I had at least most of my secondary class mates already on it...and based on the fact that we all graduated the same year, it was easy to connect based on mutual friends as well.

Another thing is unsuspecting Facebook Apps that are designed to have access to your account details like friends, what this app does is to send messages to your friends on your behalf on a periodic session, some of them do this has an invite while some post your scores on your friends wall...there might be a scenario that this apps server might get hacked and this information were downloaded from their database.

Most outbound links we click on Facebook are basically filled with savvy marketing gimmick to increase click through, especially content that are disguise has videos or half naked images that do not relate with the content, all this baited tricks sometimes drive you to the hackers site. They might get your account details via your browser visit to their password hacker site, or you seeing a savvy Facebook marketing pitch online that will help you blast your advert content to millions of Facebook account users by submitting your own account details and then letting the engine download this accounts for you. What they do is to download your account details (especially you providing them with your access, i.e sign in with Facebook login) and download all the ID of friends and their friends in your network so that you can now use their accounts to post.


How Do You Know Your Facebook Account Was Hacked?

You will know when you start seeing post on your wall that you did not create, or likes you didn't do, from unsolicited messages to friends and unwanted tags, it will feel like your Facebook account has got a mind of its own. Obviously someone is using your Facebook account at this stage and they have not yet gain access to your password...believe me they will log you out of your account if they do have the chance.

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Some of this hackers that have gained access to your password will easily set up your account on another popular tool to schedule post to your wall for link baiting (to get increase click through using adult images, false statements or controversial topics) and when you click on this links it redirects you to unrelated topic that is far off the content of the post published on the Facebook wall.

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So the best way to prevent this further assault on your privacy, you need to first execute a change in your password by following this simple steps.

STEP 1.) Visit when logged in with your Facebook account details and find the best case scenario that fits your issue.

STEP 2.) Change your password immediately via this same link given in step 1.

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STEP 3.) When done with password reset, please log in again and visit the Facebook settings on your profile page click on security under general and setup security rules to help you monitor your account and make it more secured.

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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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