2016-05-10 | 3396 Print
Thanks to the solid emergence of the internet, a lot as changed over a decade now with the way consumer behaves online, especially when it comes down to making a decision to buying a product or service. When analyzing marketing performance we can now go far beyond understanding consumers needs and wants and make decisions driven by data, so explaining the difference between inbound and outbound marketing and how important it is for your business should be a no brainer.
You can find more data on this via this post 65% Consumer Purchase Starts on Mobile Devices[link opens in new tab].
I for one knew this major shift was coming, as far back as 2007, initially the cost of outbound marketing strategies via conventional advertisements were majorly built around media main streams like TVs, Radios, Prints (this include Newspapers, Magazines, billboards, Flyers, etc), and not recently the introduction of online advertisement kicked the stage with it's awesome captivated instant way to reach audience and laser target leads made it a formidable foe to traditional ways of marketing (also known as outbound marketing), hence you now have smart TVs, Note Tabs, e-Mag, pod-cast etc all trying to evolve from their predecessors in order to find a balance in the advertisement marketing share, this is a simple symbiotic display of inbound and outbound marketing. Judging clearly that the internet is now surpassing the offline revenue generation potentials, ie the internet is producing a lot more sustainable income earners and millionaires with numerous opportunities.
I have previously explained the meaning and inbound marketing strategies with one of my post on 7 surefire B2B Lead Generation Strategies, stating that the term "inbound marketing" was first coined by a world renounced internet marketer Seth Godin who introduced the word itself. Now let's take a look at some definitions as to what inbound marketing means, as defined by wikipedia.
inbound marketing is promoting a company through blogs, podcasts, video, eBooks, newsletters, whitepapers, SEO, physical products, social media marketing, and other forms of content marketing which serve to attract customers through the different stages of the purchase funnel.
But am not here to repeat myself on this topic but if my first, two paragraph are not enlightened enough, may be a more concise insight to inbound marketing vs outbound marketing will be able to show you the differences and how powerful inbound marketing is, inbound and outbound marketing should complement each other and investing on it should come as a priority in your marketing budget.
I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).
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