Pinterest Marketing strategy For Business
Online Marketing Strategies

Pinterest Marketing strategy For Business.

2016-05-12 | 3509 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF

How To Use Pinterest For Business.

seo web analyst blogger community

Most social enthusiast will always tell you how important it is to share content via media or how good quality content can drive conversion, and no better way to capture a stream line of interested audiences if not with Pinterest.

Social marketers can build great content marketing strategy for business using the curates features of pinterest, you can also place advertising on pinterest same way you would on twitter. Marketing on Pinterest can be successful as analyzed by PewResearch reports that 28% of online adults today use Pinterest, making it one of the most popular social networks (behind Facebook and LinkedIn).

Also quoting Danny Maloney, CEO and co-founder of Pinterest analytics and management firm Tailwind

“Unlike Twitter and Facebook which connect users based on who they know, Pinterest connects people based on their common passion. This indicates users are able to view content which is more likely to be of interest to them, and are more likely to lead to purchase downstream.”

Also did you know that 69% of online consumers who visits Pinterest have a clear intention of purchasing products? So, are you making Pinterest part of the social media marketing strategy for your business?

With this points it is glaring that you should make pinterest business your business, if you are all about content marketing, you might also consider pinterest advertising features to speed things up. But if you are more interested in building your account and successfully reach more engaging audience for each content you pin to your board, please follow the infographic image below as it guides you on marketing on pinterest.


9 Pinterest Marketing Tips For Business.

seo web analyst blogger community




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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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