How To Get Likes on Facebook
Online Marketing Strategies

How To Get Likes on Facebook.

2016-05-15 | 5740 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF

How To Get More Likes on Facebook Business Page.

seo web analyst blogger community

Now if you are wondering how to get more likes on Facebook business page then you are on the right post, am not going to solicit on getting Free Facebook Likes or buying them (which is even worse), I will prefer to teach strategically how to get likes on Facebook that do not decrease and have more engagement with reach.

Soliciting for methods to increase likes on Facebook might be deemed worthy but when you start buying Facebook likes and looking for Free Facebook Likes then you are bound to get bad likes that are unethical or auto generated with fake accounts, these likes are not organic ie not generated by people that share same interest as your business, hence the reason why you will note such Facebook business page do not grow in terms of likes or engagements.

Facebook has placed itself in the front line against such practices like buying Facebook Likes and are always looking for fake accounts to shut down or remove fake likes from Fan pages, this is why I will urge you not to engage in it. If you have a social manager or someone who promises to sell you 100000 likes for a penny you need to ask them how are they doing this? and if Fan pages generally represent your business on Facebook so why would you want to generate such amount of Fake likes or get people that are not interested in your services? It's like trying to sell a shoe to someone that wants a burger, you get the picture?. So why not build a Facebook Marketing strategy that can help you target genuine audiences with whom you can generate 1000's of Free Facebook Likes in exchange for completing a goal or incentives.

Currently Facebook automatically recommends your Facebook Business page to others (if this feature is turned on from your page settings) that have liked another similar business page in the same category with yours, so technically there is no reason you should be practicing buying Facebook likes.

But not all hope is lost, there are less expensive ways on how to get more Facebook likes, If you follow the steps highlighted below in the infographic image, you should be able to increase likes on Facebook business page.

How To Get Likes on Facebook Page. [click on image to download]

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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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