2016-05-23 | 11581 Print
There are a large number of free blogging sites that pay you to blog or offer blogging for money and for you to license their content. Each site is almost completely unique in the type of payments it offers, the copyrights it expects from your work, and more.
I have researched each site individually to find out what it is about and to help you reduce your search online for sites you get paid to blog, so that you can easily decide whether or not the listed site will fit your needs.
I hope you get one or more websites that interest you and will help you expand your business, give you name recognition, and ultimately bring more traffic and sales to your business.
Basically on these sites you are getting paid to blog or pay you to blog about topics that the site or another business would like you to write about, and you get paid an amount of money for it. Generally these sites require that you already have an established blog, and may ask for details on traffic, unique visitors, how long the blog has existed, and other details. if you are interested in how to get paid for blogging, then this list is for you.
These sites are competing with the largest online advertising networks in the world such as Google, MSN, and Yahoo by creating a more unique and specific interaction and communication with both bloggers and advertisers.
Instead of simply putting contextual ads next to related content on a blog, like Adsense or other contextual advertising networks do, these sites and networks have more targeted campaigns for the advertiser based on demographic and traffic data of the blogs in their network and other factors.
Bloggers and advertisers both are finding that beyond relevancy, that extra specificity and context is also important, among other elements, and the challenge for these networks and bloggers is to learn what type of advertising works best with blog publishing.
This a large part of the competitive battle that is currently being fought between blog publishing networks. The most proven and efficient networks are getting the largest deals from advertisers.
Bloggers can benefit from membership on these sites by having control over the ads that run on their websites, by being able to decide for themselves how much ad space on their blog is worth (in many cases), and also by being able to choose several different types of advertisements to put on their blog (contextual, banner, sidebar, email, reviews, and others).
Please Note: This extensive list are authenticated sites where you can start blogging for money, most of them have been in existence as far as 2004 and have revamped their services, brand name or url, and are reputable enough to be included. This post will show you where and how to get paid for blogging via links, i.e if blogging is your thing.
Kindly show this post some social love, it helps spread the word and get others interested to also get freely informed.
1.) B5 Media
Link: http://www.problogger.net/
Payment Structure: Varies Depending On Job
Copyrights Granted To Site: Varies Depending On Job
Application Link: http://jobs.problogger.net/
Review: B5 Media is one of the major blog networks on the internet, as it has approximately 10 million page views per month in all of its blog networks, with 1 million unique visitors per month.
Getting accepted to write for one of B5 Media's blogs is a major accomplishment, as B5 Media is widely recognized in the writing world. There is no doubt that B5 Media would open several doors of opportunity for a blogger.
B5 advertises their jobs on Pro Blogger's job board. Each particular job has different rights and payment structures, however it seems like B5 is always hiring talented writers, so having a look at the job board on a regular basis for jobs of interest is a good idea.
They also handle advertising on their own unique network, and although the payment rate likely varies depending on the blog you write for, there is likely a very fair and potentially substantial payment structure for writers.
2.) HubPages
Link: https://hubpages.com
Payment Structure: Varies based on blogger's choice
Copyrights Granted To Site: Hubpages don't own copyrights: http://hubpages.com/help/user_agreement (No.6)
Application Link: https://hubpages.com/user/new/
Review: HubPages is one of the most popular and since it bought Squidoo (formerly owned by Seth Godin) in On August 15, 2014 it has become the trending platform for bloggers. In HubPages, you write ‘hubs’ or articles about an original and useful topic. Once you’ve posted your article, ads related to what you wrote are placed. These ads are generated from Google AdSense, HubPages Ad Program and/or affiliate programs such as Amazon and eBay products.
Once your article(s) earns the minimum amount on Google AdSense ($100) or HubPages Ad Program ($50), you can chose to cash out your earnings through PayPal.
3.) ContentBLVD
Link: https://www.contentblvd.com/
Payment Structure: Per post (amount unspecified)
Copyrights Granted To Site: Unspecified (probably none)
Application Link: https://www.contentblvd.com/advertiser-or-content-creator/
Review: ContentBLVD formerly connects blog owners to writers, But now they have taken a more dynamic turn using Videos, Since videos are the next generation for content marketing with YouTube making a serious headline on this. This is why am adding Video into this list as it's a form of content.
You might also be interested in YouTube Video Marketing Strategy [Link open's in new window].
ContentBLVD is now a market place where a Product Company that market a consumer product can connect or work with YouTube creators that reach their target consumers.
If you are a YouTube Creator and run a YouTube channel (with substantial social followers and subscribers) and want to work with product companies to feature their products in your videos, ContentBLVD might just be good for you.
To be a content creator for ContentBLVD, you have to send in an application and meet its criteria, one of which is living in and being eligible to work in the U.S. Once you get in, you can start writing articles based on the topics or assignments as required by ContentBLVD’s clients.
Payment structure varies in terms of audience viewership and click through rates. For now, ContentBLVD is still in Public beta mode (at the time of this writing) but it is worth checking out if you want to quit writing spam assignments. I will oblige you to read their terms first http://contentblvd.wpengine.com/terms-use/
4.) BlogHer Ads
Link: http://www.blogher.com/
Payment Structure: Unclear (Most likely pay for performance)
Copyrights Granted To Site: Unspecified (most likely non-exclusive)
Application Link: http://www.blogher.com/marketplace/opportunities/publishing-network
Review: BlogHer ads is network of blogs that are written by women or have a primarily female audience. It claims over 16 million visitors each month for its network of blogs.
Blogs may register to be listed in their directory, however for “BlogHer Ads” which is the advertising network related to BlogHer, inclusion is dependent on an application and a number of editorial guidelines. At the present moment there is a waiting list for new blogs into the advertising network.
The BlogHer advertising network is designed to allow advertisers access to select blogs to sell their products and services to a primarily female audience. I could not find information on how payment and copyright works for the blogs in the advertising network. It is very likely similar to other blog advertising networks, however one would need to join the waiting list and be accepted for more details.
5.) EbayCommerceNetwork
Link: http://www.ebaycommercenetwork.com/
Payment Structure: Cost-per-click
Copyrights Granted To Site: Nonexclusive rights: http://www.ebaycommercenetwork.com/privacy-policy
Application Link: https://publishers.ebaycommercenetwork.com/signup.action
Review: EbayCommerceNetwork formerly operated as Epinions Community, where You can write positive or negative reviews about products available for purchase on web stores all over the internet. From the reviews, you earn Eroyalties credits through the Income Share program, which is redeemable in US dollars. eBay discontinued operations of the Epinions Community as of March 25, 2014. But have come up with an advertising and publisher network were they state they help websites make money. eBay Product Ads are designed for publishers interested in integrating contextually relevant shopping content onto their website. Publishers can generate cost-per-click revenue based on quality traffic driven to this sponsored shopping content.
6.) Blogsvertise
Link: http://www.blogsvertise.com/
Payment Structure: Per Task ($4-$25 per entry)
Copyrights Granted To Site: None specified in terms: http://www.blogsvertise.com/publisher_rules.php
Application Link: http://www.blogsvertise.com/reg/index.php
Review: Blogsvertise is a blogging advertising network that assigns bloggers different assignments based on advertisers needs.
Blogsvertise does not actually requires bloggers to advertise or promote advertisers but rather write articles about the advertisers with backlinks.
Blogsvertise does not allow bloggers to determine price per post, and they mention that a third party determines how much bloggers get paid, but that it is usually $4-$25 per post, and can be higher if blogs have more substantial traffic.
Like several other blog networks, Blogsvertise requires that blog articles remain on the blog indefinitely and are not deleted.
7.) OutBrain
Link: http://www.outbrain.com/
Payment Structure: Cost per Click and Cost per Impression.
Copyrights Granted To Site: None Specified.
Application Link: http://www.outbrain.com/contact (You are required to submit a form)
Review: OutBrain is a content discovery platform for Native Ads Network founded in 2006, it's the largest platform whit respect to reach and impressions, since it basically focus on the BIG BRAND's and BIG GUN's of content publishers. They have an awesome content recommendation tool, now according to a Financial Times interview with Outbrain’s managing director in Europe, the network shares “about half” of any revenue generated with partner sites. The cost per click paid is said to range from $0.15 to $0.30 while click rates are in the neighborhood of 0.50% to 0.75%.
Using those (big) ranges, we can come up with some revenue estimates:
In other words, most publishers will see RPMs between $0.37 and $1.12 with Outbrain. That translates into $370 to $1,120 per million pageviews, meaning that you’ll need to have a pretty substantial audience in order to generate meaningful revenue from these widgets.
In order to partner with Outbrain, your site needs to have “over 10 million monthly article page views.” Please do note that just meeting this requirement or submitting your interest to be included as a publisher does not mean you will get accepted http://help.outbrain.com/customer/en/portal/articles/1979710-how-do-i-get-started-with-outbrain-?b_id=8364.
8.) Taboola
Link: https://www.taboola.com/
Payment Structure: Cost per Click and Cost per Impression.
Copyrights Granted To Site: None Specified.
Application Link: http://www.taboola.com/contact (You are required to submit a form)
Review: Taboola is another popular content delivery ad network platform similar to Outbrain, founded in 2007 by founder Adam Singolda (HQ is in Telv Aviv, Isreal), it s one of the top sponsored content networks on the Internet. They power many of the “Sponsored Links” and “Stories you might like from around the Web” and are also majorly used by BIG Brands and seen on sections of sites like the New York Times, TMZ, and USA Today to name a few.
While certain implementations can appear rather Sammy (e.g., a link to a story titled “10 Celebs You’d Never Guess Went Full Frontal On Film” as seen on torrent sites eg extratorrent.cc), these links can be effective incremental revenue sources for many sites that have huge page views close to 500,000 page views per month (a bit lesser than OutBrain requirement for page veiws). Read more on their publisher page https://www.taboola.com/grow-revenue-engagement-audience
It is also know that Taboola is sending more monthly unique visitors than the 24 million estimated by Compete, since not all advertisers create a custom tracking URL or redirect traffic through Taboola.com. In that case, the click rate would be a bit higher and the average CPC a bit lower–meaning that the Taboola metrics are likely in the same ballpark as the more concrete figures available for Outbrain.
There’s little available on the Taboola revenue share model, though it’s apparently better than what Outbrain offers.
9.) AdBlade
Link: https://adblade.com/
Payment Structure: Cost per Click and Cost per Impression.
Copyrights Granted To Site: None Specified.
Application Link: https://adblade.com/registration/publisher-signup (You are required to submit a form)
Review: AdBlade is another popular content delivery ad network platform similar to Outbrain and Taboola, founded in 2008, it has a very more flexible approach in accepting publishers and open's its doors to medium size and Big Name Industries in the content publishing world. From the looks of things, this platform might be the best suitable for small blog owners looking to get money via their blogs.
The pay outs vary with respect to your type of registration, has they accept 3 variances of applicants from 1 - 499,999 Unique pageviews per month, to publishers with 500,000 - 4,999,999 Unique pageviews per month and 5,000,000+ Unique pageviews per month. Obviously payouts will vary and are done via paypal or checks, you need to hit the threshold of $100 to qualify getting paid. Knowledge Base URL: http://www.adblade.com/doc/publisher-solutions-faq you should probably read their terms before engaing https://adblade.com/doc/terms
AdBlade offer some fantastic Publisher ad solutions which you can read on https://adblade.com/doc/publisher-solutions and https://adblade.com/doc/publisher-solutions-self-serve-ad-platform
10.) ContentAd
Link: https://content.ad/
Payment Structure: Cost per Click.
Copyrights Granted To Site: None Specified.
Application Link: https://content.ad/publishers
Review: Another Adblade contemporary is ContentAd, founded in 2012 it has a very more flexible approach in accepting publishers and claims to be Industry-leading when it comes to payouts in terms of 70% revenue shares unlike OutBrain which offers 50/50 share (They do a 60/40 rev share with publishers and also charge publishers 10% of the revenue as serving fee which effectively means you have a 50/50 rev share with them. ) But a user have stated that they pay very less compared to outbrain or taboola.
ContentAd also offer some sophisticated tool to enhance publishers on their platforms https://content.ad/publishers and to get more information about how they work visit https://content.ad/consumer-information
11.) InfoLinks
Link: http://www.infolinks.com/
Payment Structure: Cost per Click and Cost per Impression.
Copyrights Granted To Site: None Specified.
Application Link: http://www.infolinks.com/publishers/
Review: Infolinks Another is some worth similar to AdBlade, co-founded in 2007 by Oren, they claim Infolinks is the third largest marketplace of sites in the world. The platform drives revenue for over 100000 sites in 128 countries, it is also a very flexible place for small to medium size bloggers.
More reason they are kind of popular with most bloggers, Infolinks is into In-Text or inline advertising and also content ads Network display. Infolinks, like other In-text advertisers index your page for keywords and phrases that are not currently URLs and convert them into advertising links. They have the biggest advertiser base among all in-text ad networks.
They boost some cutting edge advertising technologies to help content creators earn more http://www.infolinks.com/products/
Here are the payment options offered by Infolinks:
Their minimum payment threshold is 50$. Infolinks has a net-45 payment period or If an account balance reaches $50 in October, Infolinks will send the payment to you on the 15th of December.
Infolinks also has a referral program. They pay you for each sign-up as follows.
For each small publisher with less than 10,000 impressions/day, you are paid 25$.
For each medium publisher with less than 100,000 impressions/day, you are paid 100$.
For each large publisher with more than 100,000 impressions/day, you are paid 1000$.
Out of Publisher’s traffic, 30% must be from the US. If the traffic is less than 30% from US, the referral fee will be 30% of the corresponding fees. Infolinks referral program is not written anywhere on their website. For participating in the referral program, you have to contact Infolinks support and they would send you the link.
12.) Families.com
Link: http://www.families.com
Payment Structure: $4.00 per blog post with quarterly promotions available
Copyrights Granted To Site: Complete copyright
Application Link: https://www.families.com/blog/think-you-have-what-it-takes-to-become-a-familiescom-blogger
Review: Families.com accepts new bloggers on a recurring basis. They require that new bloggers have experience in one of the topics that are blogged about on the site including parenting, marriage, family fun, gardening, and more.
They self host the blogs on their site and the blog is promoted on the site so it will get traffic. The pay isn't that great, but there is still high competition for the site. The required entries are 300 words or longer and there is a 90-day probationary period.
Application is through an email found on https://www.families.com/contact, in which you are to provide required information about your experience, a short bio, and some samples.
13.) Glam Media (now Mode Media)
Link: http://corp.mode.com/
Payment Structure: Depends (Varies based on blog, blogger's choice advertising package, and other factors)
Copyrights Granted To Site: None (http://corp.mode.com/copyright/)
Application Link: http://corp.mode.com/join-us/
Review: Glam Media is one of the two blog advertising networks that completed a $84.6 million dollar investment deal in February 2008 to focus on content ad network delivery apart from their content and ad network focused mostly on woman http://corp.mode.com/ they also have launched a network focused on men called Brash http://www.mode.com/brash. It has a wider network of blogs than Federated Media, the other network that completed a large deal same year. Federated Media is highly selective, and so is Glam Media, but Glam Media's blog network is much larger (1400+) and thus there is a better chance of being accepted to Glam Media.
If your blog makes it through the application phase, you are assigned a designated advertisement representative, which is uncommon for blog advertising networks. This rep will help determine the best advertisers for your blog and deal with much of the advertising related business, while you can focus more time on your content. An ad space on your blog may be advertised on exclusively by an advertiser, or it may be packaged with ad space on other blogs. There are other terms, details, and conditions that can be read here: http://corp.mode.com/terms-of-service/
14.) Link Post
Link: http://www.linkworth.com/products/
Payment Structure: Per Post
Copyrights Granted To Site: Non-exclusive
Application Link: http://www.linkworth.com/
Review: Link Post is a part of a larger advertising network called Link Worth. Link Post is the portion of the network that focuses on paid blog posts. Bloggers can earn money on Link Post by writing advertiser-directed blog posts. Again, this helps to generate buzz for advertiser websites, while bloggers can make money. Link Post pays 70% of the cost of the post to the advertiser to the blogger.
15.) Fiverr
Link: https://www.fiverr.com/
Payment Structure: Per Post
Copyrights Granted To Site: Non-exclusive
Application Link: http://www.linkworth.com/
Review: Fiverr is a place where you can ‘sell’ your writing skills or services (among others) for a fixed price of $5 or higher per 500-word counts– you get to keep $4 from $5. When someone buys whatever you’re offering to sell, they’ll pay Fiverr first. Once you’ve completed the task at hand, $4 will be credited to your account. Fiverr serve as a middle man and also a place for visitors looking to pay for a blog or other stuff.
You can then withdraw your earnings via PayPal. Unlock ‘levels’ by selling more and more often on Fiverr, and more opportunities and tools will be opened for your use.
16.) Pay Per Post
Link: https://payperpost.com/
Payment Structure: Blogger choice of rates per word.
Copyrights Granted To Site: Unspecified
Application Link: https://payperpost.com/
Review: Pay Per Post just launched a new site with a new layout and payment structure. Bloggers get to determine the prices they would like to be paid per word for advertising posts.
Advertisers get to pick who they would like to blog about them. They also get to determine whether they wish to accept or reject a post.
There is a $10.00 fee for advertisers to post “opportunities” which are writing jobs for bloggers. Advertisers can also pay for bloggers to link to their site. Pay Per Post is a good site for bloggers as they have complete control over how much they get paid.
17.) Pay U 2 Blog
Link: http://www.payu2blog.com/
Payment Structure: Per assignment
Copyrights Granted To Site: Unspecified
Application Link: http://www.payu2blog.com/blogger-signup.htm
Review: Although there is not much info about Pay U 2 Blog's payment structure on their main page, it looks as if the site allows bloggers to earn pay per post fees. It seems as if this is a newer site. It mentions that they get several applications for bloggers and that they are selective about the blogs they allow in their network.
They require that their blogs are at least 90 days old, and they mention that they have a good number of assignments every week for bloggers. They pay every 2 weeks via Paypal. This site may be worth a shot to see what type of assignments are available and how much they are offering for payments, they also offer services like getting PAID TO TWEET! where you Make Money with Your Twitter Account http://www.payu2blog.com/make-money-with-twitter.html
18.) Matomy SEO (formerly Review Me)
Link: https://www.matomyseo.com/r/publishers
Payment Structure: Per Review
Copyrights Granted To Site: Unspecified
Application Link: https://www.matomyseo.com/r/publishers
Review: Matomy SEO is another monetization-oriented contextual link advertising site. Matomy SEO Publishers get paid per click, you can earn thousands of dollars each month. We have tens of thousands of active advertisers looking for relevant placements to drive targeted traffic to their websites. Once your site is approved, it will be added to our marketplace within 48 hours, at which time your advertising space will be ready for purchase. They accept bloggers all around the world and payment can be through a PrePaid Mastercard or through Paypal.
19.) StudioD (formerly Demand Media Studios)
Link: http://studiod.com/
Payment Structure: Per Review
Copyrights Granted To Site: Unspecified
Application Link:http://talent.studiod.com/ (You will require to fill out a form)
Review: StudioD is a content marketing company that drives content marketing strategy to content creators or publishers and influencers.
You need to apply to write for Demand Media Studios but once accepted, you’ll be given tasks or assignments which they require you to write about. These assignments will be based on subjects that you are interested in or have knowledge of. This is determined when you first apply for the assignment.
Your articles that get published will net you from $15 to more than $30. Please do read their contributors' agreement before applying http://talent.studiod.com/contributors-agreement
20.) Digital Journal
Payment Structure: Per post
Copyrights Granted To Site: Unspecified
Application Link:http://www.digitaljournal.com/contact_us.php (You will require to fill out a form)
Review: Digital Journal is a community with a rather serious tone. You can contribute by creating blog posts and interacting with groups by discussing and debating the latest news and important blogs. The more you contribute, and the more attention you bring to your post, the more you can earn from the site.
Payments are done via PayPal. In order to begin contributing, you must apply to be a Digital Journalist by submitting a sample of your writing. For more details on how this works, hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.
Please read more on their code of conduct http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/179808 and frequently asked questions http://www.digitaljournal.com/help/faq.php for more information about the site.
21.) About
Payment Structure: Per post
Copyrights Granted To Site: Unspecified
Application Link:http://experts.about.com/
Review: About.com is a renowned website that you’ve probably stumbled across more than once. Because they’re so renowned, being a guide or topic writer means you have to apply to write for specific topics.
You’ll also have to go through a two-part orientation and evaluation program to learn of their editorial standards before being accepted to write for them. There is no mention about how much you can earn from writing for them but payments are done on a monthly basis.
22.) JustAnswer
Payment Structure: Per post
Copyrights Granted To Site: Unspecified
Application Link:http://ats.justanswer.com/landing (require to fill a form)
Review: Justanswer.com is an expert website where you get to ask expert questions, started in 2003 JustAnswer has grown to over 10, 000 experts from 196 countries. They do have a strict rule for accepting applicants and you must meet some of these hurdles Professional verification (Such as a diploma, state license, or certification), Personal identification (Such as Social Security number or passport number), and Resume (optional).
Applying consists of 4 steps
Select your Category
Start by finding and selecting your category. Apply to as many categories as you like.
Submit your information
Upload a resume or enter your personal information, work history, and education.
Complete subject-matter test
To verify your expertise, we require a short subject-matter test.
Submit professional credentials
Requirements vary by category. Start the application to learn more.
Once approved, you can set your own hours and work as little or as much as you want. All you need is a computer and an internet connection, top experts earn $1000s each month helping customers solve everyday issues. You can join them if you fall under any of the categories (you can apply for more than one category).
23.) Sponsored Reviews
Link: http://sponsoredreviews.com/
Payment Structure: Per review ($5.00-$1000+)
Copyrights Granted To Site: Unspecified in terms:http://sponsoredreviews.com/terms.asp
Application Link: http://www.sponsoredreviews.com/create-account.asp
Review: Sponsored Reviews is a site that matches bloggers with advertisers who are looking for bloggers to write reviews on a particular product, site, or service. The advertiser receives traffic from the blog, and the blogger is paid a fee for the review.
Essentially, it's an organized way for bloggers to find advertisers looking for reviews and vice versa. Sponsored Reviews has 23,000 bloggers in their database. They mention that they do not expect bloggers to write only positive reviews, but rather honest reviews even with criticism where it is necessary.
With the potential to earn substantial amounts per review depending on the blog and other factors, it makes sense for a blogger to sign up for sites like these as they are yet another way to monetize blogging.
24.) Technorati Engage
Link: http://contango.technorati.com/
Payment Structure: Rates vary depending on site traffic and other factors.
Copyrights Granted To Site: Unclear
Application Link: http://technorati.com/contact/
Review: After the sales of Glam Media and Federated Media for several million dollars, Technorati decided it was a good idea to jump in on the blog advertising trend. Technorati Media is Technorati's shot at a blog advertising network. It is currently in a beta phase with its product contango .http://technorati.com/technorati-launches-publisher-technology-platform-for-advance-bidding-revenue-integrations/
I have included Technorati Engage because Technorati is a company of advertising technology specialists building tools and services that accelerate publishers’ programmatic revenues and if you are a publishing firm you need to get on this company's bandwagon.
25.) Today
Link: http://www.today.com/
Payment Structure: Performance based and other methods (product reviews, revenue sharing, referrals)
Copyrights Granted To Site: Exclusive
Application Link: http://www.today.com/info/contact-us (click on the signin to see the signup option)
Review: Today.com is a content website and blogging platform that pays its contributors for content on several topics. Users are allowed to host a blog on the website which can earn revenue from unique visitors, revenue sharing, or through product reviews.
Today.com gets a good amount of traffic and it is a good addition to any blogger's resume or freelancing portfolio. It's a bit like DigitalJournal, but its feeds are curated by NBCNEWS for local news feeds, the traffic is a great way for established entrepreneurs and writers to get some brand exposure...just see them as a topix rival, same people partnering with technorati.
Today is a good option for new bloggers because of self-hosted blogs, and the fact that new bloggers do not have to deal with the business side of blogging while using Today.com for their blogs.
BONUSES (honorable mentions)
26.) Wise Bread
Link: http://www.wisebread.com/
Payment Structure: Performance-based (unclear what type of payment)
Copyrights Granted To Site: Unclear based on application, but likely limited exclusive rights
Application Link: http://www.wisebread.com/make-money-writing-for-wise-bread
Review: Wise Bread is a wide network of financial-themed blogs. Although the core of WiseBread's blogs is about how to be frugal and make ends meet on a small budget, they are expanding their subject matter to cover other topics.
By writing for Wise Bread, you are allowed access to their reader base of over a million page views per month along with a dedicated marketing team to help you market their blog.
Their application is through email rather than a form, where they require 3 sample articles and 5 topic examples of articles you might write in the future.
Wise Bread is a great addition to any blogger's resume as they have been mentioned in the media several times and have several top financial blogs in their network.
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