Getting Started With Adsense
Online Marketing Strategies

Getting Started With Adsense.

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Getting Started With Adsense.
If you are brand new to Adsense, I suggest spending some time reviewing the Adsense Support pages as well as their online Glossary. Both of these areas provide extensive information on what Google Adsense is all about, as well as how to register your account and get things started. This post doesn't cover the basic start up information, and assumes that you have a working Adsense sign up account, and a website in which to publish your ads.

Recommended: Read our previous post How To Make Money With Adsense [Link opens in new window]

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Google Adsense is a lot different than traditional advertising, such as with standard banners ads or block placement.
The reason why Adsense is such a popular method of monetizing websites with advertising blocks is simply due to the dynamic nature of how the ads are published. For instance, not only can you easily customize the ads that are generated from Adsense, but you can set up automatic rotating ad blocks, that allow you to create channels, focusing on specific topics or niche markets. This is an easy way to maximize the exposure of each advertisement featured on your website, as well as ensure that the advertisements published on your website are highly targeted to your overall site's theme or topic.
You can also choose to publish alternative advertising formats, including textual based ads, image ads and even video channels. And now with the inclusion of Page level ads you can now optimize how your ads behaves on mobile audience.

All ads that appear will be based on the channels that you create, which will help ensure that you are able to maximize the CTR of each ad block.
With Adsense, you are paid each time someone clicks on your website advertisements.
These prospects aren't required to make a purchase or complete an action apart from clicking on your ads, in order for you to be credited with a commission.
With Google Adsense, you are simply paid a percentage of the sponsor's cost for advertising throughout the Google network.
The advertiser does not pay to have their ad placed in AdSense. They only pay when the ad is clicked.
Google also has put together a Terms of Service for AdSense participants that ensure everyone is treated fairly under the AdSense program.
Google uses bots similar to those that crawl websites to help rank them in the search engine results to target ads through AdSense.
These bots check out your website to figure out what keywords work best with your content.

The results from the bot scan then reflect back to your account with AdSense and tell AdSense what ads to display on your website.
You will learn some tricks to ensuring that the ads are as targeted as possible later on in our other post series on adsense.
For now all you need to know is that targeting ads in AdSense is a technical process involving programs and special tools. In order to maximize your earnings with Google Adsense, you need to focus on optimizing your click-through rates, so that your website visitors are motivated to click on your ads, which in turn, generate profits. To do this, you need to closely match the types of advertisements that are being featured with the general theme of your website. For example, if your website is focused on golfing tips, featuring Google based advertisements that offer Golf equipment, ebooks featuring golfing tips or golf training will likely cater to your existing traffic. The closer you can match your advertisements with the type of product or services that your visitors would be interested in, the easier it will be to generate massive click through‟s to the ads featured on your site.

In order to get started with making money using Google Adsense, you need to have a website. This can come in all forms, including article sites, directories, forums or even blogs. Regardless of the format you use, you need to make sure that your website is well structured, and allows you to easily make site-wide updates and changes if you need to. The reason why this is so important is that when starting out with Adsense placement, depending on your website‟s overall theme or template, you may need to tweak your ad blocks in order to maximize exposure. With blogs, you can download free themes that are focused on highlighting Google adsense advertisements within the side bar and header columns.
You could also choose to set up Adsense based article templates that offer a collection of short articles, with Adsense advertising blended into the content itself.

You should start by building your website to focus on specific topics. Every web page of your website should have a particular focus in mind, so that you are able to feature highly targeted advertisements based on each website's overall theme.
The reason why this is important is that AdSense chooses targeted ads based upon your web page content.
When you have a specific topic for each page AdSense can provide more relevant advertisements that will target the people that visit that web page.
Having a specific topic per page also gives the illusion to visitors that your AdSense ads are part of your website itself, since they will blend in with the existing content.
This is exceptionally important because in order to maximize your click through rate, you will want to give visitors the impression that the advertisements featured on your site were custom coded, based on relevant products or services that you recommend, rather than generic advertising that offers no real relevancy or focus.

With that in mind, when creating a website focusing on a specific topic or subject matter, you will also have to determine what keywords are best used to attract organic traffic from the search engine, as well as other marketing campaigns that you will create in order to flood your website with fresh traffic. To begin, you will need to determine what niche market you are interested in tackling.

Then, create a simple website focusing on that topic, and finally, conduct keyword research so that you can integrate relevant keywords into your website's content, page titles and categories. In addition to keywords playing a critical factor in optimizing your website for search engine marketing, these keywords will also help Google determine the types of advertisements that will appear on your site.
In the next post series, we'll cover the fast-track strategies for choosing a profitable niche market, and conducting quick keyword research so that you can develop a highly targeted, well structured website.


Choosing Your Website's Theme
When it comes to choosing your website's niche, subject matter and overall theme, it's important that you stick with evergreen markets, especially if you are creating a website exclusively focused on generating passive income from Google Adsense. If you don't plan to update your website with fresh content on a regular basis, you will want to make sure that your website's topic is one that will be based on longevity, and in staying current and in demand for many years to come.
Evergreen topics include weight loss, parenting, dog training, relationships, self improvement, and other topics that have been in demand for many years, and will continue to bring in traffic.

A quick and easy method for choosing your niche topic is simply by browsing through the ClickBank marketplace. ClickBank is the Internet's largest digital marketplace, featuring info products spanning across hundreds of niche markets.

Not only is this is a great way to survey potential markets, but you can also create a swipe file of affiliate products that you can integrate into your website later on.
This is another way to monetize your website's un-used space once you have Google integrated into your website. Visit to get started. Once there, click on the Marketplace tab to enter into the marketplace and begin searching potential markets.
Once inside of Clickbank‟s marketplace, enter in keywords or keyword phrases that describe the niche that you are interested in.

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If you aren‟t sure what topic to begin with, you can simply browse through the most recent products that were added to the ClickBank marketplace, or browse through existing categories and groups by entering nothing into the search box and simply clicking „Search‟ to begin the process.
ClickBank is organized by main categories as well as sub categories that will help you chisel down into a niche to pull out potential affiliate products to promote.

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You can also sort products by popularity, gravity as well as the affiliate payout percentage for each product.
You will notice that with Clickbank, each product listing features specific information regarding its current stats.

Here is what these mean:
$/sale: The amount of money you earn for each sale.
Future $: Average rebill revenue.
Total $/sale: Average total $ per sale, including all rebills.
%/sale: The percentage of the product sale price that the sale represents.
%/refd: Fraction of publisher‟s total sales that are referred by affiliates.
grav: The measure of how many affiliates are promoting the product.

If you are interested in thoroughly evaluating specific products found within the Clickbank marketplace, you can also use free services such as What you are looking to do is create a rough draft of potential niche markets that you can build an Adsense based website around. You want to focus on popular topics, evergreen markets, and niches that have an abundance of affiliate based products to promote, so that you can further monetize your website with a collective layout featuring both Adsense ad blocks and additional affiliate based products.
Using search engines like, you are not only able to explore the popularity of your chosen niche markets, but can also locate products that are being promoted by individuals and may not appear within the more common product directories or marketplaces.

What you are looking for is not only products that you can sell but merchants who offer affiliate programs that can be used as adsense alternatives, where you will earn a commission for every sale made as a result of your promotions.
Write down everything you find that you believe has potential.
To find niche products, here are some other places to look:

A quick and easy way to come up with possible niche markets that are worth venturing into is to browse through recent searches on Google Trends :
You can change the date to search results from the past, and by clicking on "More Hot Trends", you can load a lengthy page showing all recent searches.
What you are looking for is consistent trends and patterns in both demand and in buying behavior.
Go a step further and scope out products on to determine how popular the niche market is, as the greater number of products available, the greater chance that you have found a sizable market worth considering.


Recommended: Read our previous post How To Make Money With Adsense [Link opens in new window]


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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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