Social media marketing plan
Online Marketing Strategies

Social media marketing plan.

2017-01-06 | 3954 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF

Do You Have a Social Media Marketing Plan?

Have you looked into it yet? Your company's social media presence, and your marketing budget for this year...I mean do you know you can improve or add more value to your online presence and reach via social media to the point of explosive sales and quality website traffic?...Hmm guess not.

It's not all about the number of social media sites you have accounts with but how effective you do manage them, how you reply to negative reviews, the quality customer support you offer on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Snap Chat etc. Different social sites offer different service values which include different ways to share and engage with prospects online. This means a lot of mediums and open opportunities to reach different customers adding up to quality lead generation tools.

Well saw this lovely post on Facebook and YouTube, I think it's inspiring especially if your a start-up business, this video should help you get back on the resolution table which should also include social media marketing this me.


12 Q&A to Building a Successful Social Media Strategy.

  1. Research and know your audience. What topics and interests are they most social about? What problems are they trying to solve? What are their pain points? Answer: You can use adverts based content to reach your target audience to achieve this, you need a lot of data to be able to measure the influence and getting data means spend some advert money on this social media sites...even Pinterest has advert features.
  2. Use the same social networks as your audience. Are Facebook and Twitter their platforms of choice? Do most of them use Pinterest and Instagram? Answer: Go where your target audience is to create awareness,engagement, and brand ambassadors. You will know this if you can design a simple survey to help your audience fill out other social platforms they can be located on, so you understand where majority of them are and which platform do they use often or have in common with each other.
  3. Identify your KPIs (key performance indicators). They measure progress toward your goals. What do you want your social media efforts to accomplish? What does success look like in quantifiable terms? Answer: each business has different goals, so does your adverts on social media sites, your goals can range from branding to sales or building customer list or customer relations, create and objective and stick to it.
  4. Write a social media marketing playbook. The playbook should detail your KPIs, audience profiles, brand personas, campaign concepts, promotional events, contests, content themes, crisis management plan, etc. Make sure to tailor strategies that are unique to each of your social media channels.
  5. Align the people at your company with the plan. Get everyone on board with your strategy. Divide responsibilities among your team, such as who is in charge of posting to your blog and each social media network, who will respond to comments and @mentions, and who will own metrics tracking and reporting.
  6. Set aside some time at the beginning of each week to prepare. Take 30-60 minutes to schedule tweets, Facebook posts, LinkedIn posts, Pinterest pins, and other social media content. Come up with some original ideas, links to your own content, and links to outside content that is useful or interesting to your audience.
  7. Develop a content marketing calendar. Use one of the example spreadsheets  created as a starting point to plan content topics, headlines, related links, desired scheduling, name of authors, etc.
  8. Post content that is relevant to newsworthy topics and events. As soon as breaking news comes out about anything related to your brand or industry, you should share your opinion and become part of the conversation.
  9. Treat all of your social channels differently. Don’t post the same message everywhere – remember who the audience is on each platform and how they interact. What works on Facebook will fall flat on Twitter, and vice versa. The use of social media management tools like buzzfeed, sproutsocial, rignite, seowebanalyst, hootsuite can assist you with this goals.
  10. Assign someone to act as a customer service rep. It’s vital to be responsive to user generated content, comments, and feedback (positive or not). CRM (customer relationship management) is a fundamental to social media marketing success.The use of social media management tools like buzzfeed, sproutsocial, rignite, oktopost, seowebanalyst, hootsuite can assist you with this goals.
  11. Schedule metrics reporting. Reporting metrics can occur weekly, monthly, or bimonthly depending on your goals and desired outcomes. The use of social media management tools like buzzfeed, oktopost, sproutsocial, rignite, seowebanalyst, hootsuite can assist you with this goals.
  12. Reanalyze your plan on a regular basis. If something in your plan isn’t working, switch it up or do some A/B testing to determine what your audience responds to better. Use 2 versions of your content simultaneously and measure to see which one is more successful and use it going forward.

The infograph below summarize all the things you need to know about improving your social media marketing and basically the foundation for improving your business online social reach and engagement.

seo web analyst blogger community

Some Source for this post where taken from wikipedia and business2community (12 Steps to Social Media Marketing Success).

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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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