Two Google Adsense Accounts on Same Website
Online Marketing Strategies

Two Google Adsense Accounts on Same Website.

2022-01-14 | 1733 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF


Can I Have Two Google AdSense Account on My Website?... Yes, You Can.

If you have ever wondered for once how to earn more from Google Adsense and have considered running simultaneously your Google Adsense account on several media outlets, then the answer will be Yes!  this should not be confused with having more than one Adsense account, which by the way is illegal "AdSense policies only allow one account per publisher. We've provided some guidance below that may help you if you're trying to submit multiple applications to resolve an issue"... as long as you follow Google's guidelines and policies on opening such accounts.

First of all, you need to understand that for you to run a single Google Adsense publisher account on two websites you must have direct access to both, you are not expected to own the sites, but are required to be able to add your Google AdSense publisher code snippets to the pages you require the ads to be served or display.

seo web analyst blogger community

So yea, I can have friends who have two websites each, and I have a website that has been verified for Google Adsense and liaises with my colleagues to have my code snippet published on their blogs as well. They on the other hand do not need to relate further with Google or wait for a second approval or so for my ads to start displaying on their web pages.

All they need to do is to make sure they follow all the guidelines on the same topic: Ads on the same page or site as another publisher this ad serving technique and display is more similar to placing multiple ad units on the same page but with the ads unit being served by two publishers.

For those of you that might be wondering if this is a legal means of increasing your earnings on Adsense, I will like to tell you this...IT IS THE SUREST WAY TO MAKE MORE MONEY ON GOOGLE ADSENSE.


Recommended Read: How Much Traffic Do You Need To Earn $100 From Adsense


Recommended Read: How to Increase Google Adsense Earnings


For illustration purposes, I will like you to view some popular websites Google AdSense pages and notice something peculiar with them, the only way to get the true nature of their advert placement will be to view their Google ads.txt file also known as Authorized Digital Seller txt file where you are required to add your advert platform and publisher ID alongside reference ID.

In most cases you might have logged into your Google AdSense account to see such warnings about ADS.txt file like the image below, one thing I can assure you is that to solve this you need to be very patient and will have to make sure that the file is accessible via your primary domain and also if you are serving via a directory path then make sure to place it there as well, and for more assurance have it indexed by including it in your sitemap.xml file during submission via Google search console.

seo web analyst blogger community

Back on our topic, I will like you to check these two examples, it was posted as a question on the Google forum;

sample example sites: 


 Please observe the below photos for more information.

seo web analyst blogger community


 Please observe the below photos for more information.

seo web analyst blogger community

One of the explanations for this and why it is legal is simple, they have hundreds and thousands of advert serving networks and to justify this BBC for example has lots of individual writers and each with their own Google AdSense publisher ID (at least now you know why most news people like to be classified as celebrities on the internet or hot influencers with their capacity to grow followership which equates to readership and traffic) all are part of the partnership.

In this case on each author's page for BBC they have integrated their respective Google AdSense publisher ID to display for their pages. this is how they earn extra bucks for their articles and generate more views and traction via their social presences.

This method is somewhat similar to what we are building on (we have this with a bit of a twist), we offer our bloggers the avenue to add their already verified Google AdSense publisher ID into our platform and also offer a custom advert banner placement, this allows the blogger to earn from their AdSense and also sought out private companies or brands that want t to advertise on their blog (category) post.

Their advert placements are shown alongside our Google AdSense display as well, and certainly, we will be adding their IDs into our ads.txt file, so you see this can be a very realistic way to improve on your Google Adsense revenue in the short term.

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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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