6 Steps to Improve Marketing Lead Generation
Online Marketing Strategies

6 Steps to Improve Marketing Lead Generation.

2022-01-22 | 1753 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF


What is Marketing Lead Generation?


Lead marketing, or lead generation marketing, is the process of attracting potential (targeted) customers via web marketing conventions to convert them into buyers by stimulating their interest.

This can be very helpful in drawing a lead flow channel that you expect your targetted leads ought to follow to land on your designated goals. Your designated goals may be signup, a subscription, or a payment on an e-commerce website, every website either has one of these goal formats, it now depends on how you intend to have your web visitors follow this funnel.

Basically, when you own a website and intend to generate revenue from it, you need to put in place marketing lead generation tactics that will help sustain your website goals.

There are many tools online that are poised for increasing website lead generation, one such tool is called social proof, a good example will be websites that offer a service-oriented product.

Most of these landing pages when visited you are directed to view testimonials (live) by others or you have popped up notifications of recent sales, all these are tactics set to increase conversion on your arrival on their website. Social proof is one of the best-utilized marketing tools to help improve the conversion rate of website owners.

Another method will be to provide an illustration video of the product and offer a one-time discount offer, not to mention the need for a live chatbox. You have a combination of any of these methods to optimize your conversion rates, but in all, you will need to have a road map on how you want to handle and channel your leads. Follow the illustrative diagram below for guidance; 


Below is an infographic that explains the 6 Steps to Improve Marketing Lead Generation

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Recommended Read: 7 surefire B2B Lead Generation Strategies


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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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