Online Marketing Strategies

How to Add Google AdSense to WordPress Site.

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How to Add Google AdSense to Your WordPress Site


Do you run a WordPress website that requires the implementation and activation of Google AdSense? Then you are in luck as this article will guide you through the steps to utilize Google Adsense on your WordPress site.

We have basically two methods in doing this, either by using plugins or by doing it manually, both methods and options will be explained below.

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Well if you are the type of person that loves to leverage writing articles online then you will have to recognize the essence of having your content serve ads for your readers, and one popular advertising platform will be Google AdSense.

To implement Google AdSense to your websites manually is no big deal you simple need to follow the simple steps below;

Step 1.) Link your domain to your Google Adsense account and follow the steps indicated on the window as seen in the image below

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Step 2.) Login in to your WordPress admin dashboard and follow the steps below;

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  1. Click Appearance -> Theme Editor, then choose Theme Header in the Theme Files section.
  2. Insert the code just above the  tag.
  3. Select Update File.
  4. Go back to the AdSense page, tick the I’ve pasted the code into my site checkbox, and press Done.
  5. A dialog box will pop up to tell you that your account approval is in progress. Click Got it.

Step 3.) Create an Ads.txt file with the following details

Advertising system Account ID Type Certification authority ID pub-214xxx675xxxx370 DIRECT f08c47fec0942fa0

Replace the PUB-ID with your Google designated publisher Identification number (16 numbers long).

Upload the ads.txt file to your public_html directory folder and test via the URL, take note to test all variances of your URL and make sure they all redirect to your primary domain URL. In some cases, your preferred advert post or blog might actually be located as a subdomain eg, you are still required to upload the ads.txt file in your root domain folder, if you looking for a more technical approach to this then I recommend the topic below, link opens in a new tab.

Recommended Read: How To Fix ads.txt File Errors in Google Adsense

Step 4.) You need to create your Ads Unit to do this follow the image illustration

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Using the code for "by site" gives Google the authorization to apply different ads unit that best suit your ads space that is available on your website, it is recommended you copy this code and activate this code on your WordPress when you paste it into your

section of your theme header.php, the next tab you will find by ad units.


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There are 5 ad units you can apply on your WordPress site, as described above, you can select the best option for your website and copy the code being given to you. The third tab showcases the global settings and based on the recommendation you should have it on.

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There are 3 factors to consider when utilizing Google AdSense  for your WordPress site:

  • Name – enter a unique name to represent the ads. It will be easier to manage multiple ads in the future.
  • Ad size – the shape and size of the ads will affect the view of your website. It’s recommended to select Responsive so the ads can adapt to all screen sizes.
  • Ad type – you can use this option to switch to another ad type, such as in-feed or in-article ads.

After selecting your ads unit and naming them for referencing and monitoring, you can save and copy the respected code into your WordPress, for those that come with widget settings you can place the codes in your widget area as seen in the image illustration.

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Using Plugins To Insert Google Adsense Ads units and Ads.txt

Trying to optimize the placement of your ads on WordPress can be tasking, so to automate the process you might consider the following WordPress plugins for Google AdSense.

  • Ad Inserter – is an excellent ad placement plugin. It offers options to insert ads on your site – including before and after posts, or between posts on blog pages. If you want to get additional features like sticky sidebar ads and sticky ad animation, you can purchase the Pro license, which starts from $22.31/year.
  • Advanced Ads – offers great ad management features, such as displaying unlimited ads, saving ads draft, and scheduling ads. If you purchase the Pro plan that starts from $43.51/year, you will get features like click fraud protection and alternative ads for ad-block users.
  • Woody ad snippets – allows you to create snippets and put ads into them. You can also insert ads to postspages, or categories. It’s free, but you can purchase the pro plan for $19/year to get access to the snippets library that contains a vast collection of pre-built snippets.

Out of these three plugins, I will recommend Ad inserter and one more not mentioned, which is Insert Headers and Footers, when using the Ad inserter plugin you need to understand that it makes use of blocks that are used to optimize where your ads unit code will render while placing these codes in blocks as labeled 1 to 16

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After inputting the code Ads type into the blocks the next thing you need is to click on the settings (screw icon) and click on the Header tab to input the Google Adsense Auto Ads placement and for the Footer tab input codes that are required

Another plugin I find very straightforward is the Insert Headers and Footers, all you need to do is insert the codes where they are required and let the plugin implement your Google Adsense code for you on your WordPress site.

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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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