How To Generate leads In Real Estate Online
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How To Generate leads In Real Estate Online .

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How to Generate More Real Estate Leads Online.


The real estate industry is one of the most lucrative venture business, and finding more real estate leads online is not the easiest task as one might imagine, for there to be a lead their need to be a viable market and as of 2021, there was a forecast of Home prices reaching new highs by 5.7 percent in the United States, as growth continues but at a slower pace.

The number of homes for sale will slowly rebound, offering buyers some relief. The number of homes for sale in the United States reached an all-time low in December, dipping below 700,000 for the first time all to the impact of the pandemic, but experts agree that the housing market will stabilize in 2022. According to Lawrence Bowles of Savills, it's “unlikely we would ever see a repeat of the conditions that led to last year's price growth.”

In our article today I will be making some practical online approaches on how to generate seller leads in real estate, you need to understand your target audience and imagine the best means of communication with them. Just like most people online, your target audience is also online, but they are the busiest, the most uptight when it comes to their time, your attention-grabbing call to action must be precise and decisive to allow them to ascertain their decision making in the quickest time.

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11 Top Real Estate Lead Generation Methods Online

1.) Sales Landing Page: The first thing you need to generate real estate leads online to target audience is a high converting web page, and to do this you need to understand how to create a sales landing page that converts and captures visitors' data. Take a look at the example below to understand what a sales page looks like, with a nice headline and a simple catchy sentence you can easily capture your web visitors' data.

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The purpose of including a landing page is for presenting your offer to your target audience by having them submit their data with a follow-up autoresponder campaign, with an autoresponder you will be able to keep your interested target audience engaged. Another option will be the use of phone numbers and the inclusion of an instant means for your web visitors to reach you, ie via a chat box like the one in the image example, this will help you to get their attention in terms of FAQ, you can include a form for collecting your web visitors phone numbers and have a WhatsApp group where you invite them to join for mobile newsletters.

One other marketing application you can include on your web sales page is the push notification, if you intend to include a blog (which is part of content marketing and I strongly advise the inclusion of a blog for organic SEO traffic generation) in this sales page, there lot's of services out there but I personally recommend One signal.


2.) Social Media: Integrating social media share into your website can help with awareness when they share your URL via their social media handles, and the use of social share improves how to generate more real estate leads online. You will need a social media business page, to display and advertise your business by sharing relevant content about your offers.

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Social media marketing is the new dawn for traditional advertisement with the use of social media to market goods and services to prospects online. Noting this, it will be a big oversight for us to have a strong reference of generating traffic to a website for sales without having an organic means of doing this.

Unlike Search engines, we have tons of popular social media, and the organic means of reaching engagement or impression all depends on the kind of audience you build, the kind of content you share, and your type of service, likewise not all social media platforms are suitable for a certain business, Instagram is one means of promoting your business alongside with Linkedin, Pinterest as come a long way as well and can be used for curating pictures and connecting with your email list.  You can perform direct sales and up-sell your services on social media, collect insights via targeted paid adverts and use social media as a point of contact as well using Facebook precisely for this alongside Twitter to monitor and track mentions and hashtags around your niche market or industry.


3.) Search Engine Optimization: The use of organic ranking on Google is one way to reduce your spending on paid advertisement, this is the organic means of attaining visibility on search engines using the right techniques, this is what is called SEO an acronym coined from Search Engine Optimization.

Recommended Read: Search Engine Marketing: SEO VS PPC - Which is better

So what is SEO marketingSEO can be defined as a marketing discipline where your main focus is harnessing the use of the internet platform "namely SEARCH ENGINES" to direct organic "FREE" traffic to your site via targeted content that is related to your niche "PRODUCT/SERVICE".

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Creating targeted content can be done via blogging as explained in our first step above, this will allow you to generate lots of long-tail keyword phrases, which you can rank for regarding your business pertinent keywords. If you are searching for how to find real estate leads online, then using the real estate SEO method is one of the most recommended FREE ways to get leads in real estate.


4.) Content Marketing: The use of content marketing has been poised as one of the most instrumental tools for B2B businesses online, more or so, it helps in providing the wheel for the vehicle to enhance your online visibility and awareness when it comes to targetting and generating leads for your niche market.

This strongly depends on the content marketing strategy you decide to utilize, one way to go about this is to have a blog attached to your website or landing page, it is not necessary you have a custom blog that comes along with your website, you could actually have an external blogging platform that helps you to generate easy traction from their authority online, so you can leverage on the social and search engine awareness they bring to your website via referral traffic.

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There are some B2B content marketing services you could deploy to help you further reach your goals online in terms of lead generation, the merits of such a content marketing process are more than substantial but are well-proven results as the infographic image below easily points out; How Content Marketing Drives Sales, How Content Marketing Drives Engagement and can also lead to customer retention.


5.) Referral Program: The use of referral marketing is a word-of-mouth initiative designed by a company to incentivize existing customers to introduce their family, friends, and contacts to become new customers.  Referral marketing is a very good technique of compensating and employing online sales marketers who individually can generate new leads for you, working on a commission base.

The best aspect of this is that you can introduce a sort of multi-level marketing program to enhance your commission-based system, this will fortify the recruiting of new referral participants and your clientele-based line likewise.

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But due to the abuse of the MLM structure, a lot of businesses do stay clear out of it, yet it still remains one of the soundest means to generate leads and sales online without spending so much on paid advertising or marketing.

Recommended Read: 7 Key Points To Note For a Successful Network Marketing


6.) Press Release:  This is a bit similar to content marketing but only differs as your content is being syndicated via news media outlets, and your content is targeted to their readers. Using the right press release channel to generate lead acquisition can be great if you know the right media outlet that covers your niche market extensively.

A press release is traditionally composed of nine structural elements, including a headline, dateline, introduction, body, and other components. Press releases are typically delivered to news media electronically, ready to use, and often subject to "do not use before" time, known as an news embargo...quoted from

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Associating yourself or your business with an authoritative press release distribution company in your industry can be one of the surest ways, how to get leads for real estate sales.

Your targeted audience needs less conversing and persuasion as they are already in the preference of receiving such content, what you as a real estate agent need will be finding the right content that converts, the best approach will be to study the media outlet agency providing the press release distribution service, who are their partners, what are their target audience, what is their geolocation, will you place such content to people not in the suburbs or living in the urban areas, who can afford your price tags, etc

One of the ways to actually use a press release is to invite a sightsee of your building, a presentation of the building or a display of the building, an open conference or a meet up for all real estate investors to come for a free booking to feed their eyes and make cognitive inquiries that will help them in their decision making, etc, these are just a couple of instances a press release can come in handy and constructive for both you and your prospective clients.

7.) Paid Advertisement: This will come last as it is not a generic way, and is cost-oriented, but does deliver the job depending on how much you are willing to spend to generate visibility and awareness for your real estate agent business online. Paid advertisement can help you to generate seller leads in real estate, whilst the cost of clicks and impressions varies from one platform to another but one thing they all have in common is the use of banners. It is your orientation with banner ads (on social and content websites that will determine how you're (CTR) click-through rate are being measured, hence most offer quality score or relevancy score to measure your A/B split test of advert performance to now display the one with the highest response to your audience.

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The top banner placement sites are Google ads network and Facebook, with these two you need to have a sound budget of a minimum of $500 if you are to get any traction, because most leads you get from them still need to go through your sales funnel and the first step is the acquisition, so there is a need for critical thinking here with a paid advert. Another means might be via popular websites that allow banner placements for a token fee, or more cost-effective mediums to generate leads whilst still placing banner ads on numerous outlets online.

8.) Video Marketing: If you notice a new trend on search engines nowadays, you will observe that they tend to show alongside videos for keywords searched alongside web URLs, this is an observation that showcase the need to start adopting video into your content marketing strategy.

Recommended Read: Youtube Video Marketing Strategy

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You can use mediums like YouTube and other platforms that allow Video sharing for instance Vimeo, Metacafe, Dailymotion, etc and integrate them on social media sites that offer video formats to be shared or URLs to be uploaded, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, (Tik-Tok, Snapchat, etc are not a business-oriented platform). From the video marketing statistics below conducted by Lemonlight, we can observe the trend and usage of video for businesses as proven as a tool for driving purchase decisions for most businesses and you can utilize the same method.

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9.) Retargeting Marketing: The utilization of retargeting marketing is to help us leverage users that must have seen our ads via Google or Facebook to be able to see them again on other websites they visit.
This will allow us to target the ads on every device the web visitors uses to visit other sites our ads placement will be relevant, this will help to build more awareness and retarget the audience to realize that the site is an authority.
This will act as a follow-up advertising system and it will encourage popularity, maximize promotion efficiency and brand awareness as well.

10.) Podcast: Having an online podcast for your business is a good idea, but one that comes with a lot of dedication as running a successful podcast via airing online is no joke, it is good to have some sort of partnership to have a session of your podcast aired on major radio airwaves, but to be direct this is only good for awareness building and yes you may earn some convertible inquiries that will lead to a sale but it takes a lot of program scheduling and rundown to be able to maintain your audience, having relevant guest and topics to discuss always might be a daunting task.

11.) Influencer Marketing: This can come as an ambassador deal for an online social and public figure, that has a lot of active followers on their page, now depending on the kind of followers they have you can reach out to such individual to promote your business online or collaborate with them using them as your centerpiece of marketing your product as they will add a tint of assurance for most viewers of your advert online.


Conclusion: A mix of any of these online lead generation methods can help your real estate business stay afloat with numerous competitors in the scene. I am more than happy to provide my consultancy service for companies seeking how to get leads in real estate online.

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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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