How To Optimize Google My Business Listing
Online Marketing Strategies

How To Optimize Google My Business Listing.

2022-09-06 | 747 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF

18 Steps to Optimize Your Google My Business Listing.

After the inevitable demise of Google+ (for business and personal) and the emergence of Google Map's usefulness for search queries, it was no brainer to foresee the integration of these two platforms to create a Google My Business listing for SMEs, especially for the merits of local search. In this post, I will be sharing the steps to optimize your Google Business Listing to improve search ranking.

According to HubSpot, 46% of all Google searches are being done locally with the perspective of finding local businesses or services nearby.

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What is Google My Business and How Does it Help Your Business?

As explained by, Google Business Profile formerly known as Google My Business (GMB) is a free business listing that can help consumers in their local area find your business listings on Google Search and Google Maps. It presents them with a summary of key information about your business, including a description, address, phone number, website, photos, reviews, and more. Google Business Profile Listing has quickly become an important landmark in local SEO ranking. Is one of the most powerful tools, you can use it to strengthen your business’s local online visibility and positively influence the purchasing decisions of new and existing customers.

Google My Business can help you to increase online visibility for keywords that are highly difficult to rank on normal search engine ranking, apart from the extra traffic they generate they help with online awareness for your business (basically).

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One of the things that stands out in reference to the local ranking is that with Google Business Listing is that you can locally rank for keywords you would never dream of ranking for, and how to do this is to simply make sure that during your business profile listing, you need to make sure that your keywords can be found in the title name and description of your business.

If you take a look at the image below you will notice that we are ranking for a single keyword phrase "SEO" which on any given Sunday will be something that we will never be able to rank for so easily. I have taken the time to check other business listings that are also ranking for this one-word keyword that they have in their title and also in their description and service, they have lots of reviews basically on the keyword phrase.

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These are some steps on how to optimize your Google Business Profile Listing;

  • Allow Google to publicly display your company information
  • Enter a geographical radius
  • Select primary and secondary business categories
  • Write a short business description
  • Upload visual content
  • Verify you’re the GMB account owner
  • Solicit customer reviews
  • Create content within Google Posts
  • Make sure your keyword matches are found on your title, description, category listing (primary and secondary are related), and if possible your domain.

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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).


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