How To Use Google Search Console To Improve SEO
Online Marketing Strategies

How To Use Google Search Console To Improve SEO.

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How To Use Google Search Console To Improve Search Engine Ranking.

In today's article I will be writing on how you can improve your search engine ranking with respect to your current SERP (Search Engine Ranking Position) using Google search console to execute a further in-depth analysis for your existing ranking keywords.

Most client's after executing thier SEO work do fail to understand that SEO work should not just be based on a one off contract, meaning after your keyword rankings, you are expected to recieve some form of gratification in returns of brand visibility with searched keywords which inturn build your online brand awareness, building such authority comes with a year in year out consistency in ranking on search engines.

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When you have achieved brand awarness what you will get in return are increase in sales and also SERP. Now after a year of keyword saturation and ranking thier are definently going to be signs of rank dropping, you can easily rework an existing SEO website by using Google search console, this is where as an SEO specialist or consultant your expertise will be required whethere you were the original SEO expert to work on the site or not.

I will assume that the website has been linked to Google search console from the get go, ie prior any form of SEO, you will need to visit the performance tab where you have a screen shot image like the one displayed below.

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Their are four metrics you will need to consider on your search console, and they are; Clicks, Impression, CTR and Position.

First you will need to filter the location of your performance results to stream line your results to your country, in this case Nigeria. What you will have is the true performance of your keywords display in your country.

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Next you will want to check the most performing keywords in your arsenal, for this you will need to click on your impression to highlight from ascending order.

This impressions shows the popularity of the keywords your website is ranking for, along the row section you need to check the keyword position this will give you an insight to the correlation with the number of clicks and your CTR with respect to the keyword impression.

What this mean is that you need to focus on the keywords with the most impressions, and an emphasis on those with very poor CTR. Keywords with high impressions but low CTR only means the keyword has a good search volume and you probably not ranking top 5, so inorder to increase your CTR you will need to improve ranking for those specific keywords.

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Now there is a rare case where you might have a good or high CTR and low impression due to a poor ranking, this only means your positioning on search engine might be on the second page, these type of keywords should also be priotized in your SEO update work.

Now with this, you have the major keywords that are bringing visibility and traffic to your website, so work on them and optimize your website accordingly. For you to know which of your page the kewords belong to, simply click on the page column tab, this will help you filter the number of pages you will need to optimize and present your seo keyword results and pages to your clients.

The positioning of the keywords tells you where they might rank on search engine, a positoning number of two digits eg 13.0 for laundry, means the keyword is ranking on the second page and hence the poor impression and zero clicks.

Optimizing for a brand keword can actually be helpful but not profitable as they are not costumer eccentric keywords, they can be single phrased keywords and only good for brand your website or brand name, or related primary focus keywords eg laundry, dry cleaner etc.

The keyword "laundromat near me" is a local keyword meaning that the keyword is more of location, ie if the user is searching for the exact phrase keyword what they will get as results will be based on their map loaction, thanks to the location and Google search access requirements which is a standard for most andriod phones. Unless the user types in specifics like "Laundromat in Lekki" which is still a variance of the search phrase "laundromat near me".

So, from the keyword perfomance above we can easily see that optimizing for laundromat in lekki and laundromat near me we can further increase the position from 8.9 inorder to improve the clicks and CTR. This is the reliable manual method of working on your exisitng Keyword ranking and focusing on the keywords that build brand awareness (visibiltiy) and traffic to your website.


Recommend Read: How To Improve Local SEO Search Results.


Conclusion: I will like to state this, that this method is what I rely on whenever a client that has executed SEO on their website before and after a year or so requires another dose of SEO work, I recommend this approach so as to utilize the already established visibility and traffic keywords. In some cases you might come across websites that have been hit with SEO algorithm updates, you will notice this with the rapid drop in search performance. eg a site might be getting a total search performance of 200k within the last 3 months prior and suddenly drops to 60k, this obviously signals an SEO hit, such SEO work should be seen as technical SEO and should be treated separately as this SEO work is more of forensic than research work.

Lastly, you can use this method of SEO work to improve your Organic traffic results on your Google analytic report, if you are struggling to increase traffic organically via search engine, as this method of SEO is quit specific to increasing the rankings of the keywords that are resposible for your website online visibiltiy and traffic.

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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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