How To Create Engaging Social Media Content
Online Marketing Strategies

How To Create Engaging Social Media Content.

2022-06-07 | 810 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF

How To Create Engaging Social Media Content.

Today's content will cut across the 6 major tips on how to create engaging content on social media platforms, apart from the usual rule of thumb of posting content when you have peak audience activity on your handles, your content in rotoscope should also contain quality contents that are deemed viral-worthy.

This question is most settled with a social media content manager, whose sole responsibility is always to create content on the handle they manage to gain traction with engagement scores.

Although there are some nifty gritty methods to accomplish this, I will discuss some standard techniques that are well used to gain an increase in social engagements online.

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1.) Clickbait Headline

There is a technique usually used by journalists to get click-through rates on their topic headlines, most are idioms or metaphors while others are misleading content headlines used to earn clicks rewards, and earnings.

A clickbait headline is a very useful technique when used appropriately. I have published a post dedicated to clickbait which I recommend you read How to Build a Clickbait Empire.

2.) The Read

I like to call it the read more or see more style because subconsciously most users are poised to always want to click on these words to complete the content they are reading. This can be illustrated when you see any content on social media, the maximum display is between 80 characters and 120 while the rest are truncated with the read more or see more statement. This warrants you to click on it for you to continue reading the long content, this is evidence that people enjoy a tantalizing piece, which in turn encourages engagement with the content itself.

3.) Enhanced Images

This might be one of the most obvious techniques to adopt but it is quite Ludacris that most social media managers do not realize the power of graphic images in their content description, using suitable images that correlate the message across to your audience should be something you will have to invest on. Images help to increase engagement on a social media post, not to mention dynamic images like gifs, colorfully designed images etc.

4.) Time To post

There's time for every season, they say; so similarly the saying can be illustrated here with social media content. You have to choose the right time for maximum engagement from your audience. The timeframe for your post engagement on social media sites like Facebook is not built there for fun but is designed to let you know the best times to post and et maximum engagement from your audience. I have published a post on this as a Recommended Read: Best Times To Post on Social Media

Below is an infographic that lists the top 6 ways to increase social media content engagement

You can include these techniques or strategies in the ones listed above.


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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).


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