How To Speed Up Wordpress Site Load Time
Online Marketing Strategies

How To Speed Up Wordpress Site Load Time.

2015-06-14 | 6539 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF

Would you like to know how to increase your wordpress web site loading speed? you know a faster loading time equals a better average time spent by your web visitors which also increase chances of conversion on your site that equals to sales.

According to strangeloop web site speed study:- a faster site has better user engagement, more pageviews, and better sales. In a strangeloop case study, they found that a one-second delay can cost you 7% of sales, 11% fewer pageviews, and 16% decrease in customer satisfaction.

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In 2006, Amazon reported that a 100-millisecond increase in page speed translated to a 1% increase in its revenue. Just a few years later, Google announced in a blog post that its algorithm takes page speed into account when ranking websites.

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In other to find a solution we need to understand the cause, thus we need to explain some common reasons why wordpress have slow loading time.

Reasons Why Wordpress Sites May Have Slow Loading Time

1.) The theme eats up too many resources from your php.ini, some themes require a lot of resources to be allocated to them before they can function  such as changing the settings on your server like making sure server has following Settings:
• post_max_size = 10M or Greater.
• upload_max_filesize = 10M or Greater.
• memory_limit = 128M or Greater.

or else errors like Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 47185920 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 49152 bytes) in /home/username/public_html/wp-content/themes/directory-theme/include/theme-options/theme_options.php on line 276 will become a case whenever you visit your wordpress web site.

2.) There are too many designed images not properly sized, specified and optimized for web

3.) You are eating up too many bandwidth allocated to your server

4.) You are using way too many plugin extensions and widgets or 3rd party resources to make your theme function

P3 is a recommended diagnostic plugins because it shows you the impact of your other plugins on page-loading time. This makes it easy to spot any plugins that are slowing down your website.

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How to make your wordpress site load faster

Optimization Tips:

  • Compress and Combine JS and CSS Files:

    Compressing the JS and CSS will give you a good improvement in site loading time. As compressing the JS and CSS files will decrease your overall page size. Another good points to keep in mind is to combine CSS and JS files. Combining the multiple files into single file will reduce the number of HTTP request to your web server.

    You can use WordPress wp minify plugin for combining various JS and CSS files into one file.

  • Caching is the Key to Success

    Caching is the most important factor for the optimize the high traffic site. WordPress has various good plugins available which serve this purpose. These plugins will generally create .html files for each post and page, and it will serve these html files instead of making the database queries every time.

    we recommend that you use W3 total cache this plugin adds page caching onto our WordPress install which helps us with Page Speed's "Leverage Browser Caching" rule. It also has features to help with other recommendations, including enabling gzip compression, setting ETags, and even CDN settings (if you have one), to further tweak your performance. (NO JAVASCIPT MINIFIER !!!).

    also DB Cache plugin which cache the database query result.

  • Optimizing images

    you can also use the WP This plugin runs every image you upload through Yahoo's application. This will losslessly optimize every image and helps us with Page Speed. Always make sure you specify the image size before you select them into your page, most times people do not make use of the right image size specification for their wordpress sites.

  • CDN

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CDN allows us to serve all CSS, Javascript and images from a Content Delivery Network. This works by determining the site visitor’s location, and serving content from a server nearest to the visitor.

I recently started using a content delivery network (CDN) for one of my websites and noticed a 55% reduction in bandwidth usage and a huge improvement in page-loading speed.

If you’re not in the market for a premium CDN solution, then you can use Cloudflare.

  • Contact your server administrator to increase your server loading time,  You need to set up your gzip on via your cpanel, this will let you compress all out put files from your server. Log into your cpanel and go  to software and services and click on optimize website, next you select the compress all content and hit update settings.

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  • Pingbacks and trackbacks are methods used by WordPress to alert other blogs that your posts link to. While sometimes interesting, they can be a drain on page speed and are usually better turned off. You can turn them off under the “Discussion” tab in “Settings.”
  • Enable HTTP Keep Alive refers to the message that is sent between the client’s machine and the Web server asking for permission to download a file. Enabling Keep Alive allows the client’s machine to download multiple files without having to repeatedly ask for permission, thus saving bandwidth.

To enable Keep Alive, simply copy and paste the code below into your .htaccess file.

Header set Connection keep-alive

Conclusively following this steps described in this post will help you drastically increase your wordpress loading time, has we have did similar approach with our website has a case study in Web Page Speed Optimization Using SEO Web Analyst (CASE STUDY)​

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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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