How To Create or Start a Blog
Online Marketing Strategies

How To Create or Start a Blog.

2015-09-18 | 4218 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF

How To Create or Start a Blog?

So you have decided to look into creating a blog for yourself (blogging for money) or business (company blog), either way you find yourself overwhelmed with the amount of information generated on search engines when you search any of the queries below;

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how to create blog
how to open a blog
how to create a blog
creating a blog
how to blog 
how to make a blog
blogging for beginners
blogging for money

Well today I have a very quick solution to your creating a blog feciation and the reality when blogging for money. Am 100% certain on each post you visit on how to create a blog or any of the search queries suggested above, you will find out that they all give you a blogging for beginners information. 

This are the common steps you will find on How To Start a Blog or How To Create a Blog.

STEP 1: Choose your blog topic (… and meaning).

You can get full insight on this with our lovely topic on How to write successful blog post that ranks on Google and also look at blogging tips and tricks for beginners.

STEP 2: Choose a blogging platform

Select the best platform to use for blogging (to help you with that decision checkout our post on Top 5 Best Blogging Platforms).

STEP 3: Make a decision: non-hosted or self-hosted 

This will lead to the question of having a reliable host provider and also making sure you have the right domain name (most essential part), we have an elaborate post that covers that already on How to choose a good domain name .This is suitable if you want to host the blog yourself on a suitable domain you must have purchase or instead you utilize the non-hosted that means you will have to share the server of the blog provider (which is not has bad has it sounds).

For instance we provide a non-hosted, given you the opportunity to be part of a blogging community and your post gets relevancy when it gets trending and enters our blog home page for most view or most liked if it gets a lot of Facebook Likes.

So we do reward your efforts and you have facility to monetize your blog like any other self-hosted, although you will not get comprehensive analytic like self-host, which you can make use of web analytic code on, we provide some other marketing tools that are standard and free )other non-hosted blogging platform do provide their own features.

Now you must be wondering what a big hurdle this is right?! To have a better picture of the kind of dilemma blogging for beginners go through have made an infographic for better understanding.

If you have the time and understand the level of sacrifice you will be given to your investment (blogging for money) then go for it, but if your doing this for your company brand name to drive in more ready minded visitors to your site, then I did advice you hire a very good blogger to help you to write a blog post on your brand, it might be a dedicated blog url to your brand as we have such blogging platform, that will carry your company's brand name.

This is going to help you filter the traffic that the blogger gets to that post, and does that lands on your site already do not have to do any guessing work about your service or might visit to see what you offer in your services.

Blogging is an essential aspect of content marketing and I highly hope that brands will adopt the concept of hiring bloggers to specifically blog about their company or brand product/services. But if your still in the midst of doing it yourself, that is searching on how to open a blog and have a shoe lace budget, it be wise to use a blogging platform that helps you to monetize and provide all the tools you need to succeed as beginners.

seo web analyst blogger community


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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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