2016-02-20 | 5720 Print
Do you know that building an email marketing strategy as a lot of role play for your business online success? did you know that email marketing is still topping the charts when it comes to communication and conversion? yep it's not social media or search engine, well I never knew this until I recently got caught up digging the facts on this revelation.
Email Marketing as a conversion tool
what does the term email marketing strikes you as? spam, junk mail. Well people tend to associates a lot of negative thoughts towards email marketing. This is a bias conception, we need to look at from a fresh eye in order to understand the impact of email marketing.
Email Marketing Definition
Email marketing is directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people using email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing...As defined by Wikipedia.
Building an email marketing strategy is cheap and easy to use...email marketing is the process of delivering RELEVANT, ENGAGING and TIMELY marketing messages about your products/services to a specific group of recipients through email.
Merits of Email Marketing Strategy
Do you know which platforms emails are read the most?
what do you think the % split of emails readers is: smartphone, tablet , desktop?
why do we need to care where emails are read from? well its most obvious that as an email marketer you will need to consider this as one of your priority when building a successful email marketing campaign. The main reason you need to care is that it helps you to plan your email campaign design/responsiveness.
Email Marketing Reach - Smart phone, Desktop , Tablet
This little information now highlight the need to design your email templates for smartphones, ie make it mobile friendly, since a majority of them are always reading their emails via smart phones.
Mobile Email- where designs kills you
if your email does not display correctly or does not look good 70% of targeted prospects will DELETE your emails while 18% will unsubscribe!!
Email Commerce- where it all goes wrong
Email Commerce- the purchase precursor
when it comes to purchase online, people tend to work with referrals, in the order of ecommerce purchases made online, email is ranked number one, and funny thing is, it beats both Facebook and twitter combined, it is a report form 2014 based on digital publishing report by retails buying habit, how email influence people more in buying and leading to a purchase.
I really hope you see the impact email has, that email influences people and do lead to purchase.
Types of Email people like
To be specific the kind of emails that are timely, engaging and relevant, does are the kind of emails people love to see, from the image above over 48% are covered by special offers and vouchers, news letters come in 3rd, real time delivery tracking comes in 2nd for e-commerce shops.
Email users want you to give them added value, a reason to read the email, to open the email.
What Gets People Interest On Email- Subject
The number one thing that grabs peoples attention is an interesting subject topic email
Points for a subject line is to get incentive subject topic, eg 10% off if you visit our online store today! (make email subject character short), I did a case study on this if you will like to read it please visit email marketing success (link open in new tab).
Follow the points below to easily craft your own subject line.
*Lead with verbs and calls to action, but only once you know the below!
*What is the purpose of the email?
*What is the outcome, for the client, if they perform the task you desire them to in the email?
*keep it short and call to action.
* Again focus on the outcome.
Email Software providers Main Functions
*Email List Management
*Unsubscribe Functionality (now a legal thing in some countries)
*Design Template and WYSIWYG Editor
*Mail Merge Functionality (each personalize emails to 100's of people)
*Analytics and reports
*Delivery management
*Integrated spam filtering
Follow this Email Marketing tips when sending a bulk email marketing campaign
Reporting email metrics that matters in your email marketing campaign
We have a case study for this via Email marketing Success (link open in new tab)
Email Marketing Tips
Emails return on Investment
What platform to display a channel to make sales?
You will notice in the image above that email marketing is ranked number two, ie its the 2nd most reliable channel to generate sales.
Email Marketing Success Merits
We have a case study for this via Email marketing Success (link open in new tab)
I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).
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