Local Search (SEO) Marketing Services
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Local Search (SEO) Marketing Services.

2016-06-03 | 3966 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF

Local Search (SEO) Marketing Services.

Local seo marketing is a vital engine in the seo marketing endeavor, especially for small businesses targeting local costumers. 

Local search is the use of specialized search engines that allow users to submit geographically constrained searches against a structured database of local business listings...as defined by Wikipedia.

Google Maps (formerly Google Local) looks for physical addresses mentioned in regular web pages. It provides these results to visitors, along with business listings and maps. Product-specific search engines use techniques such as targeted web crawling and direct feeds to collect information about products for sale in a specific geographic area.

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You might also want to read Small Business Local Seo Services [Link open's in new window]

Other local search engines adjunct to major web search portals include general Windows Live Local, Yahoo! Local, and ask.com's AskCity. Yahoo!, for example, separates its local search engine features into Yahoo! Local and Yahoo! Maps, the former being focused on business data and correlating it with web data, the latter focused primarily on the map features (e.g. directions, larger map, navigation).

Search engines offer local businesses the possibility to upload their business data to their respective local search databases.

In February 2012, Google announced that they made 40 changes to their search algorithm, including one code named "Venice" which Google states will improve local search results by "relying more on the ranking of (Google's) main search results as a signal", meaning local search will now rely more on organic SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).

This statement has given birth to Google local urls, a great opportunity for small business to attain local seo listings on Google via local seo company. Now the process of optimizing your local small business website for local seo marketing is naturally the same but with more additional factors.

What does this mean to small business seo? if you do a local search for a keyword related to a business you are bound to see a related business listing, and furthermore you will also notice local website listings too. eg  local search on "Colorado Springs Website Companies", will probably show results of local Colorado Springs Website Companies urls and any other related local listings which includes Google map of this listings.

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When you sort out local seo marketing from local seo company offering local seo services, you should be aware of some negative ranking factors that might affect your small business seo efforts.

You might also want to read Small Business Local Seo Services [Link open's in new window]

Top 50 Local search engine optimization Ranking Factors.

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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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