Small Business Local Seo Services
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Small Business Local Seo Services.

2015-08-09 | 4447 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF

Small Business Local SEO Services.

This topic is written to address the misconception of small business that own or manage some sort of web presence, but totally neglect the need to optimize their web site or webpage for Local SEO, and for those without any web presence, should seriously consider doing so.

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Almost every business in the country, big or small and regardless of industry has some form of web presence, with a lot of them competing with a handful of keyword queries at the top of search engine ranking postions (SERPs) on search engine giants like "Google".

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Since big companies like jumia, Konga, GTB, Amazon, Alibaba and others alike have the funds they easily fill the criteria to always execute seo strategy in their business.

As a small business owner, performing Local SEO services on your website is a crucial part of your business existence online, apart from the old practice of simply addressing your small business website on your business cards or word of mouth, It can now become a source for new business opportunities for potential customers to find you and serve as your online virtual sales personnel.

So the big question, how do you tap into this potential resource of SEO services on search engines? To win the game of small business seo  you need to firstly understand, that you need to own a website/blog, and not just a website but one that relates with your potential users/visitors.
You need to understand that SEO is the other side of the coin name SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING, and the opposite polarity of SEO is Search Engine Pay Per Click advertising, were you pay search engines to place your site on their pages for click through to your site as explained in the image below or you literraly get listed on merits base on the level of local seo services performed on your website.

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To build your Small Business SEO Strategy you will need to follow the following outlines;

This might sound far fetch but it is now one of the most "must-do" concept in the 21st century website, it helps you to measure conversion and user behavior on your site. It basically communicate information you will never get to know about your user behavior on your website when they arrive on it, and answers questions like; what was their expectations? why they did not convert? etc.

visit full article on how to imporve your website user experience [NOTE:-link opens in new tab].

You need to perform this as its crucial for you to know the amount of traffic you will tend to get from Search engines when you perform your SEO strategy right.
SEO WEB Analyst provides an elaborated tool that exploit this area of keyword suggestions and their query volume for each local Google search engine url, all aim to improve your local seo.
It also provides you with competitors volume and the trend of the keyword in respect of how much work (how difficult) you will require to expect results also known as Keyword Effective Index(KEI).
From experience its best to go for keywords that have more volume and less competitors, to get such keywords you will need to research long tailed keywords related to your business.

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After getting your list of keywords, you will need to make them appear consistently on your webpage you want to rank on search engines, please do not use this as an opportunity to perform keyword stuffing, ie over saturate your webpage with keywords that the entire webpage content do not make no sense to your web visitors.
Onpage optimization is basically the next step you will like to do inother for serach engines to find your website relevant for your queries (product/service).
Onpage optimization is one of the steps in SEO Strategy, and we will intorduce you to both optimization process called offpage optimization which describes the SEO Strategy performed outside your webpage, basically Link building process.

visit full article on how to perform webpage optimization [NOTE:-link opens in new tab].

Using local listings or claiming your small business spot on Local directories can also help you to get recognization...
using Google place, Facebook Page are good place to start and also they are part of offpage optimization.
A good Google place listing and optimized for search engine can help you rank for loacl searches related to your business. This is an integral part of local seo service listing on Google and should be part of your small business seo.

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How do you optimize your Google Local listing is quite simple, just make sure you fill up the requirements and list your services under the right category and add images with succinct description about your small business.

Furthermore you need to execute some setup from your Google webmaster tool and target your country as seen in image, next you need to verify your business on Google Business and place your business address on Google map (make sure its same address with your whois and your Facebook page). Note: if you choose not to target then your seo is assumed to be fore everyone in the world (makes it more difficult to rank properly in local SEO, but if you execute the other mentioned steps you will notice that you will get higher preferences in your local area).

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You will find it very tedious to follow up on all these listed steps, and to make your small business seo strategy more acute, it will be advisable to monitor and improve on your seo strategy. Using SEO Platforms can really improve your small business seo strategy alot, but most seo platforms are quite expensive to maintain in the long run and will always require a monthly budgeted expense, which most small business owners can not sustain in the long run.
This is why we would like to introduce SEO WEB Analyst SEO MANAGER it is part of the elaborated inbound marketing tool found on SEO WEB Analyst, to own your own copy of SEO MANAGER you will need a premium membership of $67 which is base on a pay as you go subscription.

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Hence it helps you to work within your budget each month and continue where you left off with your automated seo strategy using this seo platform built for Small Business Local Seo Services, you can visit full article on how to use SEO WEB Analyst SEO MANAGER [NOTE:-link opens in new tab].

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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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