How To Make Blog For Free
Online Marketing Strategies

How To Make Blog For Free .

2022-05-11 | 1100 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF

How To Blog For Free (Infographic).

Are you looking for an easy guide on how to start a blog or how to make blog for free? Then you have stumble on the right blog post. We will also be looking at some free blogging sites  or blogging platform to help you start penning beautiful content that are informative and educative. 

The step-by-step guide in this article will help you understand how to create a blog in 20 minutes with just the most basic writing and SEO skills, the information from this content will aid you to get your blog ready and well articulated for your broader audience.

When selecting a blogging platform you need to select the platform that is feasible and has a more potential to improve your content writing and is easily optimizable for SEO and social syndication.

The list below highlights the top blogging platform you can use to start blogging, it does not boarder on the type of business you want to create awareness for either as a b2b (business to business) or b2c (business to customer).

Top 10 CMS Blogging platform











How to create a blog (in 6 easy steps)

Pick a descriptive name for your blog. Use a mix of your focus keywords for your domain name.

✅ Buy a domain and get hosting for your blog. This is doable if you intend to install a cms like Wordpress, joomla etc but if you are working around running a subdomain being linked to your website, from the blogging platform eg medium, then I will encourage you use your focus keyword as part of the subdomain you create.

✅ Install your CMS (Content Management System) eg WordPress or you can create an account on the selfhost blogging platform. eg SEO Web Analyst

✅ Find the perfect theme for your CMS platform WordPress theme or template. Personalize the design of your blog to match your taste.

✅ Get some must-have WordPress plugins and add-ons. Give your blog more features like social sharing and image optimization.

✅ Launch your blog and start sharing your voice with the world. Start writing, sharing and engaging with your followers on your favorite subject. 


Follow the listed blogging steps on how to blog or start a blog.

seo web analyst blogger community

Recommended Read: How to Create or Start a blog

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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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