Email Marketing vs Social Media Marketing
Online Marketing Strategies

Email Marketing vs Social Media Marketing.

2016-02-27 | 2680 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF

Email Marketing vs Social Media Marketing.

Have been advocating a lot on the usefulness of Email Marketing, but it seems am not the only one doing the preaching, as eligible internet marketers have long discover these facts about email marketing, and now comparing it with other forms of digital marketing reach, email advertising as very much evolved. If you would like to learn more on how email advertising works you should read my last post on email marketing strategy [link open's in new tab].

I did a serious number on that topic as I explained in details how to execute a successful email campaign [link open's in new tab], functionalities of email marketing tools to look out for, even if you are solemnly base on sending out a periodic newsletter marketing to your subscribers, you will learn what gets response from readers, e-mail marketing can bring out the most potentials from your website.

To further shine more light to my believes, I have below a much more educative infographic that tends to say it all, comparing the impact of email marketing and social media marketing in this case.

Social media marketing is like a new hit song that tends to never go away, but the truth is e-mail marketing is the founder of the music it plays...get it?

What is the essence of social media? well for a short answer, it will be to connect and communicate, (for a long detailed anatomy read my post on social media marketing [link open's in new tab]) which we already do via e-mail and thanks to the integration of smart phones and the wide increase of mobile internet usage the surge of people using or accessing emails on their mobile phones and tabs as increased drastically...all facts can be read on my last post on email marketing strategy.

So just for fun I will like you to see how they both fair out when compared in all points necessary for your business success online, we will be looking at their benefits, growth, usage, reach and features.

Seriously email marketing is worth the investment (in building and not buying) put in it, you can use other mediums to generate emails for mail marketing and then start to nuture, segment and filter your emails. This takes time but like I said it is worth it, best bet its more cost effective to retain customers than to gain new ones...this is the philosophy email marketing is built on, you communicate via email to your new leads offering value (can be information, promotion, offers, etc) but at least you are able to segement your leads to know which one love receiving watch offers to does that enjoy economic news letters.


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Olatunji Adetunji

I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).

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