2015-10-08 | 3938 Print
The following are digital marketing strategies you can adopt in your online marketing for your small business, when you own a business and have a web presence for your small business you will need to execute digital marketing plans to improve your online web presence.
For a good example, I will illustrate the current marketing strategy am using to promote our website, I believe if you follow the same itemized digital marketing strategies you will start to see results with your efforts.
You need to work on this, you need to work on your website presence in terms of improving your site user experience; this will aid you with designing a website that converts, like an online sales person that works 24/7 for you.
Read more on user testing via this link 12 Things To Do When Designing Website User Experience Using User Testing.
If you have perfected the art of usability on your website, the next stage will be for you to provide an option-in page on your site, your option in page can be a signup form of any sort depending the kind of site your building. If you visit our site you will notice we provide a signup form which is easily used to build signups and to get emails and data of web visitors that visit our page.
The emails of the signups will be used to build a safe list for you to send email marketing campaigns regarding offers, blog post topics, etc.
You can make use of SEO as your next step of digital marketing strategy, employing SEO is to help you to reduce cost of paying for clicks on Google. This is a 3 months to 6 months contract duration and the cost varies per seo specialist firm. The beauty of this digital marketing strategy is that it is based on your online branding and on page optimization. Here your site online visibility is the most important factor and since getting found on search engines is the key to getting new clients on search engine, SEO will be your must do, if you are keen in getting customers via Google and others.
If you are planning to hire an SEO specialist you should consider reading 8 THINGS SEO SPECIALIST DO ON WEBSITES and if you are interested in doing things yourself consdier reading 10 (SEO) Search Engine Optimization Strategies For Marketing [links open in new tab].
Performing Social media marketing is also an essential aspect of digital marketing, as you are working in some form of direct marketing. The most essential key to note in social media marketing is content, without constructing a good content your post will not get reach or go viral. When you signup for social accounts, your aim should be to grow your fan base lines, as the more friends and fans you have the better your chance of viral marketing.
You can easily grow online awareness using social media platforms and it should be part and parcel of your digital marketing strategies, you need to post more frequently on your accounts and try to manage a post everyday, minimum a post every week. You need to get active with groups that have eccentric topics related to your niche. If you are planning to utilize Facebook as one of your social media marketing strategy, please consider reading FACEBOOK MARKETING FOR SMALL BUSINESSES and HOW TO ADVERTISE ON FACEBOOK FOR FREE [Links Open in New Tab].
Majorly I do own a blog and make numerous post on it, this post are seo friendly and are easily indexed by search engines. This are one of my web traffic tricks, writing contents that are fresh and engaging is the key to social sharing and also referral traffic. You can read on How To Write Successful Blog Post That Ranks On Google and How To Create or Start a Blog.
Using press release is a web traffic tactic and also a part of digital marketing as well, but due to the cost to distribute your website content across the internet is getting expensive, most people ignore this format of digital marketing.
But I find it a very nice idea to do press release whenever there is an event or something worth publicizing, using press release you can get new clients and exposure for your products or services.
I essentially make use of YouTube, its free and you can easily embed and edit it. You can make use of video marketing as way of exposure and engagement on both social media marketing and press release. People quickly respond to video post more than image as you have a better chance of click through on video post than image post. So learn to integrate videos in your website and your posts, If you can create illustrative videos, that will work as well as long as you can promote it via social sites and can embed them in other web mediums.
The use of directories is more than just getting local listings, there are review directories now that help buyers to review your service offered to those before them. Having a good standing on such directory site is a boost on sales and also a source of good targeted traffic. Directory submissions are a necessity if not a must in this era of digital marketing, search engines makes use of some manual directory listing sites like DMOZ and others. You can checkout LIST OF TOP DIRECTORY SUBMISSION SITES FOR BACKLINKS [Links Open in New Tab].
Using webminars as a great tool to keep your existing customers engage or interested in your service, this is a suitable digital marketing strategy if you already have a good amount of subscribers for your service or product, and also a good medium to make after sales support. Most people will become loyal buyers after attending a successful webminars, webminars are organized and planned correctly with a plan that points to the objectives of the webminar itself.
This is a very complex marketing strategy, depending on the kind of product or service you are working on, if you have a product that is a necessity to another commodity then you will need to work a joint venture marketing. Eg. If you have a product for consumers you could target an audience that will also be in need of another necessity commodity, for instance a detergent and a washing machine, you can promote cornflakes with milk etc this are products that require another product to work same with services another good example might be a car dealer who might partner with a loan broker to offer suitable packages to buy a car via the loan broker services.
Work with a joint venture marketing strategy can help you reduce cost and also work around providing more value for your targeted audience, this stage of marketing is mostly beneficiary for both parties involved.
This might feel odd but it is also essential that you place adverts for your business online via social sites, email sites, banner placements and other advertising mediums online. If you have the money you can also cut across newspapers, TV ads and Radio ads as well as Bill Board ads. They are all mediums of getting more local reach and audience for your business.
I tend to advice individuals to go for this when they have reach a level where their business can actual pay for itself, ie you are no longer footing the bills for your business marketing strategies. Alternatively you can read more on this Why Your Small Business Needs Online Marketing -Advertisement [Link Open in New Tab].
I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).
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