2015-09-17 | 4206 Print
Who said you cannot make money online in Nigeria? with all the big online transactions and adverts going on online, the country's online spending has really spiked up. With all the insecurity of making transactions online becoming a thing of the past, Nigerians are now making purchases online which signals that the country is now getting comfortable to make payments for goods and services online and embrace payment gateways as point of sale (POS) transaction handlers.
[Image] Alerts on my account every single day as proof of how to make money online in Nigeria.
Nigeria is ranked top ten most versatile country in the world with the growth of online users, you did be shocked that people living in Nigeria do not earn up to 10 dollar per hour. With so many graduates pumping into the labor market than what the current economy can sustain and unemployment
here and there from companies that are already exhausted with the number of staffs they can employ. This is why most Nigeria graduates earn below 10 dollars per hour, but due to its labor force the country is said to be one of the fastest growing economy in Africa. The online world in Nigeria is no difference of this soaring growth, please do check our topic on Digital Marketing In Nigeria to see proof of how the internet is growing in Nigeria and why its a vibrant thing to consider it as a means to make money online in Nigeria.
I will like to share with you how to build a successful business online in Nigeria, as you can make money online in Nigeria. Apart from the numerous growth with ecommerce online shops, there are other businesses you can actually start up with out investing as much money as ecommerce shops.
I will be taking this from a point of an average Nigerian that has little to invest but will like to start to make money online in Nigeria. This methods have listed here are sure proof to make money online in Nigeria, that will ensure you banking a minimum of N100,000.00 monthly...but it will take you an investment and endurance to make your investment grow.
1.) Blogging:- This is the most inexpensive way to make money in Nigeria, it is free to start blogging, you do not need to host nor buy a domain name, but if you will like to go professional you might consider that. So blogging? yes...you will need to hone your skills.
The secret is traffic, and placing adverts that are related to your niche topic...this will make it a success for you to promote your blog to advertisers that are willing to pay you some token fee to place a banner on your blog.
Like most website owners they typically do not know how to drive traffic to their site, which could be due to a lot of reasons, it could be they do not have the time or could not understand the techniques to drive sustainable traffic to their site.
Now this technique will take you probably some couple of months before you can see results, you will need to know your niche area...now you might need to get accustom to search engines and social media sites, because they will be your driving source for traffic.
Next stop you need a good niche name to pick for your blog, and do a lot of keyword research for every topic on your niche, use the most likely competitive keywords that has a good search volume and then do a search on Google for that particular keyword. WHY? This will provide you urls to sites that rank for
this keywords, and give you access to check their contents and compare base on what your content should feel and sound like.
Write as much as you could on all this related keywords, because they are your Gold mine to making money online via blogging. Next we will look at is using Social media, first you need to get yourself engage with most top social sites around the web that are popular with Nigerians, use tools that help you automate and schedule your post to most of this social sites. If you will be willing to make it quick you can get to buy accounts that already are established from users eg You can buy parody pages and twitter accounts from owners that have huge amount of social engagements.
You should also make use of tools that help you to predict trends and social sentiment analysis tools like topsy.com, trendinalia.com, socialmention.com etc.
This will help you to write trending topics on social media sites that will be shareable and engaging to your social audience, the use of social share buttons on the blog will make it more interesting to share your post.
We provide a blogging platform ourselves, which can be easily use to make money online and to mention our social marketing tools that also provide the functions described in this post. Click on How To Start Blogging For Free With SEO Web Analyst Blogging Platform to read more on it [Link opens a new tab].
Please note that all this explanation is for you to build traffic to your blog post and as soon as you start to generate traffic to your site you will get this readings from Alexa has it is one of the oldest traffic data driving stats that your advertisers will love to see.
So the main game here is for you to try to achieve traffic above 70,000 on Alexa metrics and you can achieve this by being consistent with all this methods and can get your results within 6 months and then make a banner placement for advert on your blog. With an offer of banner placement advert for N20,000.00 per month and a social media blast will entice any marketer and due to the nature of blogs you can also add other money making ventures like Google adsense, Amazon, Ebay and affiliate links.
When you can sustain about 5 advert placement every month on your blog then you know you have become self reliance on your blog, you should have a minimum of N150,000.00 for this method of making money online and your consistency with dedication will be your tool for perseverance with this means of making money online.
You can read more on How To Create a Blog. [link opens in new tab]
Why you tube? well why not? Google has stated that there has been more searches on Youtube than on Google itself. You can imagine the number of money you can make from per view impressions, and luckily Youtube offers a money making opportunity via its advert placement on your most view videos all you need is to build followers and views.
This might be a bit costly if you really need to put up a professional look on youtube, you might have to buy a video recording camera with high quality resolutions and learn how to make use of editing video software.
You need to customize your channel with a lot of How Tos, or Tips, Top List of something, has does kind of topic title do get more click through.
you can signup for this youtube program via https://www.youtube.com/yt/creators/get-started.html?noapp=1
You need to follow the same process has harvesting traffic to your channel as your earnings depend solely on views, as a benchmark you can expect to make around $1.50/1000 views.
This means that 1 million views = $1500 and to generate such views you need to build traffic to your channel, using keyword related searches and also doing social sharing of your videos as well.
This will help drive traffic to your video post, there are other mediums you can use to drive tangible traffic and views to your youtube post.
Learn How to get traffic via this links Top 10 Ways To Generate Free Targeted Web Traffic To Your Website. and Top 5 Ways To Generate Low Cost Website Traffic (Cheap Web Traffic), and if you are planning a short cut to buy worthless traffic to your site then you need to read Stop Buying Traffic For Your Website.
This is another way to make money online in Nigeria, but to create a successful e-product you need to create a solution to what people are searching for.
You can make use of Google keyword adword tool to perform research on the search queries and target the keywords with most searches, you will need to create few landing pages for different keywords.
For instance, if you have 10 keywords that provide keyword search queries of 500 monthly each this means you have 500 x 10 keywords = 5000 monthly traffic. This means if you have a product of N5,000.00 you can imagine converting 1% of 5000 monthly traffic which is 50 conversion of sales...You will be looking at a monthly sum of 50 sales x N5,000.00 = N250,000.00 Monthly.
First to be able to launch this business successfully, you need a website and I will suggest you to have 3 websites which will be acting has your landing pages for your web visitors to target your keyword audience, you will also need email auto-responder to grow your email safe list from all your visitors that signup for your product.
Now you need to make sure your landing page can convert and to improve this I will suggest you offer your e-product as FREE samples, this will allow you to build 5000 verified emails for the Niche your targeting.
So what will be the cost to run this business online? your requirement will be three domains (keyword niche related) a host provider that will allow you to host 3 websites a cpanel is best.
Please to enjoy this online business you will need to get either a search engine optimization work on your landing pages or you place a pay per click on Google, doing any of this you will need an SEO EXPERT. This process will cost you more money if you will settle for just SEO work which is most cost effective in the long run but can take up to 3 months to 6 months before you start to see results, and can run as much as N50,000.00 per month for 5 keywords. So if you will like to do something like this with sound results that will last you for a long time, then we did like to recommend ourselves.
Making money online via this method is very expensive compared to the other two, but really if you do get it right you do not ever need to think about the expense put into it.
Because you will be able to easily grow leads per day and inquiries which you will have to follow up to improve your chances to convert more sales.
Simply drop your email and name below to get the make money online zipped pdf file sent to you for free!
I am a seo web analyst and have a love for anything online marketing. Have been able to perform researches using the built up internet marketing tool; seo web analyst as a case study and will be using the web marketing tool (platform).
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